Tag: audio
Edison Podcast Metrics UK
This week I’ve been at the London Podcast Show 2023, and I’ll write more about that in another entry. But one of the big announcements that came out of the event was that Edison Research is launching their Edison Podcast Metrics in the UK. In the US, Edison Research has been producing what have effectively…
Ofcom UK Podcast Survey 2023
Ofcom has just published its latest Audio and Podcasts survey data for 2023. They tend to just publish the raw data tables, so I like to dig into the data and get into what the data actually means. I’ve done this for the last couple of years, and you can expect many charts and graphs.…
Read Those Podcasting Contracts Carefully
Today’s edition of Podnews, splashes with a report about a podcast called Sex, Lies and DM Slides being relaunched by Spotify without the original hosts. One of those original hosts who created the show is upset and has complained on Instagram about the move. I have no knowledge of this particular case nor the agreement…
Ofcom UK Podcast Survey 2022
A year ago, Ofcom published some podcast data and since I didn’t see any other analysis of it, I published my take on their data on this site. Roll forward a year, and Ofcom has again published new podcast consumption data in data tables format on their site. I’m unsure if Ofcom will publish a…
The Infinite Dial 2021 UK
41% of the UK population listens to podcasts each month. That’s probably the headline finding from some new research that will be of interest to everyone interested in the UK audio space. Edison Research, the company that has probably lead the field in US audio and podcast research in recent years, has published its first…
RAJAR Q3 2021
This post is brought to you in association with RALF from DP Software and Services. I’ve used RALF for the many years, and it’s my favourite RAJAR analysis tool. So I am delighted that I continue to be able to bring you this RAJAR analysis in association with RALF. For more details on the product, contact Deryck Pritchard via…
Top 10 Podcast Trends – Radiodays Europe 2021
I was fortunate enough to present at Radiodays Europe 2021, and for those interested, here’s a copy of my slide deck. I hope it’s useful, and you can download it via LinkedIn.
Social Audio – It’s Only So “Social” Right Now
For the last couple of months anyone in the audio space has heard an awful lot about Clubhouse, the Silicon Valley social audio startup. You need an invite to get in, and then you can chat in rooms with people who’ve got something to promote (Crypto, NFTs, themselves…) or listen to famous people chew the…
Froome at the Giro in 2018
I don’t mention it here as often as I should, but I do work as one of the producers on The Cycling Podcast. It’s has once again been nominated in the sports category for a British Podcast Award, and if it’s the sort of thing you do, you can vote for us in The Listener’s…
Binaural Walk
On Friday I went for my daily constitutional, and I recorded it in binaural sound. Play back the video above to hear a short version, with some photographic visualisation. You need to wear headphones! The binaural effect doesn’t work without them.
Reveil 2020
This weekend is the annual Reveil event organised around the Locus Sonus Soundmap. The idea of the broadcast is that it captures the dawn chorus across the world, following the sunrise – or pre-dawn really – as birds wake up and sing. I’ve written about this before, including last year, detailing how to go about…
Space for Audio: The Internet and Streaming Radio
Yesterday I was a speaker at this year’s Radio TechCon conference, and took part in a “debate” about the future of broadcast radio. If there had to be one platform for radio in the future, which would it be? DAB+, broadband or 5G? Obviously this is not a true representation of the options. Nobody is…
RAJAR Q3 2019
This post is brought to you in association with RALF from DP Software and Services. I’ve used RALF for the many years, and it’s my favourite RAJAR analysis tool. So I am delighted that I continue to be able to bring you this RAJAR analysis in association with RALF. For more details on the product,…