Tag: Video

  • Slowing Down The World

    Slowing the World Down from Adam Bowie on Vimeo. I wanted to try the high framerate, and therefore, slow motion ability of my new Sony RX100 M3. So I shot this in and around London over the last three days. Video was shot on Oxford Street, at King’s Cross Station, on cycle paths, and in…

  • Kite Videography – Sheringham at Easter

    Kite Videography: Easter in Sheringham from Adam Bowie on Vimeo. Here’s another video I shot recently with my Sony AS15 hanging underneath a ktie. Not the greatest day, and very similar to a previous video shot over Christmas. But this time it was shot at a high framerate (120fps) and then slowed down to a…

  • See You Later…

    Alligator in the Everglades from Adam Bowie on Vimeo. (Normal service will resume shortly)

  • Mud in Trent Park

    Mud in Trent Park from Adam Bowie on Vimeo. Here’s a short video I shot yesterday morning to test my Sony Action Cam with the Joby Action Clamp and Locking Arm. I bought the Sony AS15 last year in a cheap deal on Amazon. In many respects, it’s highly specced compared with the Go Pro…

  • Kite Aerial Photography #3 – Christmas Success

    What better day than Christmas Day to have a third attempt at some kite aerial photography? My first couple of attempts were disappointing to say the least. I’ve found it tricky to find both a location and enough wind to get the kite up supporting the camera, but not too much wind to cause me…

  • Video Snippet

    While a massive storm rolls across the country, I spent the day editing video. Here’s another snippet of something that’s coming soon. Have you ever seen a murmation of starlings? Well here’s what happens when they gather on a water tower. Starlings on Water Tower near Blythburgh from Adam Bowie on Vimeo.

  • Woods

    Woods from Adam Bowie on Vimeo. This video is a little different. It’s an analogue affair in a digital environment. What you have is a black and white Super 8 film (Kodak Tri-X) with a Korg Monotron-Delay soundtrack that has been multi-tracked. As I say, it’s a little “experimental” for me.