Tag: Video

  • Capturing MiniDV Tapes

    Time flies in technology, and “old” formats get left behind frighteningly quickly. Here’s my problem. I have a box of perhaps 100 Mini DV video tapes. They were shot with a camera that still works, and I want to capture the files into a digital format for preservation (I will hang onto the tapes as…

  • Sell Me Personal Use Music Rights

    I like making the odd video, and invariable, I prefer to use music on the soundtrack. Given that I’m not about to commission my own music for my little projects, I have two choices. I can either use a music track I already know, or I can go to a music library and for a…

  • States of Mind

    States of Mind from Adam Bowie on Vimeo. From the Ann Veronica Janssens exhibition at the Wellcome Collection last year, yellowbluepink.

  • Paris 2011

    Paris 2011 – Super 8 Footage from Adam Bowie on Vimeo. I’ve been digging through some old files on my hard disk and found some Super 8 footage I shot nearly five years ago on a day trip to Paris. So I’ve edited it a bit and added the inevitable Yé Yé Girl soundtrack.

  • Paris-Roubaix 2015 – In Slow Motion

    Paris Roubaix 2015 – Slowmo from Adam Bowie on Vimeo. I came across this footage which I shot at last year’s Paris-Roubaix race. The race is just over 250km and includes 27 cobbled sectors, one of which I was standing by to shoot this. I uploaded my stills of the race last year. I used…

  • Why Doesn’t Audio Go Viral?

    I’m a regular reader of Nick Quah’s Hot Pod newsletter on Podcasts. It’s worth subscribing to if you’re interested in the medium, even if there are slightly too many animated GIFs in the emails! A few weeks ago, Nick addressed something that goes back to a Digg piece from well over a year ago. As…

  • Obelisk, Trent Park

    Trent Park Obelisk from Adam Bowie on Vimeo. I spent a little of Saturday shooting this drone video with my DJI Phantom 3 Advanced. Go HD full screen!

  • A Sheringham Timelapse

    Sheringham Timelapse from Adam Bowie on Vimeo. Here’s a timelapse shot in North Norfolk before Christmas around sunset on two consecutive days. Obviously I really needed to spend more time capturing material, but I thought it was worth putting this together. (In case it’s not obvious from some recent blogposts, I’m spending some productive time…

  • The Ridgeway

    Ridgeway from Adam Bowie on Vimeo. DJI Phantom 3 Advanced footage taken near the Ridgeway near Enfield, just north of London. You can just about see some of the buildings of Canary Wharf in the distance (about 15 miles away), and the M25 is also visible in one shot. Music: "Train" by Dexter Britain (http://www.dexterbritain.co.uk)…

  • Electric Storm

    I love a good electric storm, and we had one in London last night (indeed most of the country). I pounced into action with photo, audio and video. That said, I’m not altogether happy with my results. The above represents the best photo I took. There are a couple of video frame grabs below, but…

  • Live Video Streaming

    Last week Periscope, the live video streaming app now owned by Twitter, was released for Android. This came a month or two after it was first available on iOS. It isn’t alone in this marketplace – we also had Meerkat which got a leap on Periscope when it was released at SXSW. But the traction…

  • #LapseLondon – Final Video

    Triggertrap has just published the finished #LapseLondon video: LapseLondon from Triggertrap on Vimeo. I’m pleased that a couple of my segments made the cut. Read more about the day and see a behind the scenes video here. And to see a fuller version of my shots, check out this post.

  • #LapseLondon

    Last weekend, Triggertrap, the people who make smart phone adaptors for your DSLR cameras, organised an event called #LapseLondon. About forty of us assembled at their offices for some really interesting talks before heading out into a winter London. I managed to not follow the right technical instructions with my first shoot on Carnaby Street…