Tag: twitter

  • RIP Tweetdeck

    RIP Tweetdeck

    There are books and TV series to be written about how Elon Musk has reduced a moderately successful social media network, overpaid massively, and then destroyed it in months. And I’m not going to write that here. But I have long been a Twitter user, and mostly enjoyed using the platform. Key to that usage…

  • Podcasts in Twitter

    Podcasts in Twitter

    Note: This is a slightly expanded version of a Twitter thread that I published earlier today. Last week came news that Twitter was including podcasts in its app, and today I noticed that my beta version of the Twitter Android app now included podcasts, so here are a few initial thoughts based on playing with…

  • News Twitter Feeds and Inky WHAT E-Ink Display

    News Twitter Feeds and Inky WHAT E-Ink Display

    See update at the bottom if you’ve come to this from Google. For some time now, I’d been meaning to create a little display that shows me the latest news. I’d had a Pimoroni Inky PHAT kicking around for a while, but it’d had broken. For complicated reasons, I ended up with one of Pimoroni’s…

  • Twitter’s Algorithmic Toxicity

    Twitter’s Algorithmic Toxicity

    This piece started life as a Twitter thread – ironically – which I posted recently. Read the thread here, or read on. Introduction I’ve recently come to the conclusion that many of Twitter’s toxicity issues essentially come as a consequence of their own software’s behaviour. Algorithms affect so many systems and businesses these days, that…

  • Premier League TV Rights – 2019-2022

    The new Premier League TV rights auction for the UK has just got under way, with bids due in at the end of January, and the results announced in early February. Such are the scale of these rights now, that the announcement tends to be made to accommodate the stock market. If a PLC is…

  • Celebrity RIP Tweets

    We have just come through 2016, and for many, it won’t be fondly remembered. Election and referendum results notwithstanding, there were a number of deaths – often of people very much revered. Today, when someone dies, we learn about it almost instantly. The news will turn up in social feeds. Alerts on our smartphones will…

  • NFL on Twitter… in the UK

    Earlier this year, Twitter signed a deal with the NFL to stream 10 Thursday Night Football games. They paid around $10m, and the NFL noted that theirs wasn’t the highest offer on the table. I’m not going to get into the whys and wherefores of Twitter’s strategy. For the NFL, it’s about reaching harder to…

  • Blocked on Twitter by a Celebrity

    Remarkably, I’ve been on Twitter since 2006 – so getting on for ten years. And in that time I’ve always tried to be cordial. I don’t get involved in slanging matches, or go looking for idiots to retweet exclaiming my “shock and anger” that there are in fact, fools with internet access. That’s not to…

  • “Join the conversation on Twitter…”

    We’ve all heard this on air. We’re extolled to get in touch with some programme using Twitter, Facebook, text or whatever. The presenter regularly lets the audience know what their social media handle is. Perhaps the programme has a hashtag. “Let us know what you think!” And then? Well they don’t really use those contributions…

  • Twitter List Wrangling

    [NB. This is really to help anyone having the same problem as I had trying to add many accounts to a Twitter list in one go using a third party application. You may wish to skip this entry!] Twitter has had lists for years, but I’ve never made any real effort to use them. It’s…

  • On “Internal Browsers” – And Twitter’s Recent Addition

    A while back Facebook integrated a so-called internal or in-app browser into its mobile apps. The ideas is that when you click to see a website that somebody has shared on Facebook, instead of being taken out of the Facebook environment, the app would display the relevant page within its own browser. The main reason…

  • Twitter is Searchable: My Early Timeline

    Twitter has finally built a full search engine for its archived Tweets. That’s important because it has been incredibly hard in the past to find specific Tweets. I’m on Twitter of course, and have been since sometime in December 2006. But this search engine fills in a few blanks. My first Tweet was not the…

  • Putting YouTube and Twitter Into Perspective

    Recently Enders Analysis released a report detailing why television advertising isn’t likely to be losing out to the internet in the near term. Enders believes that television will remain the key advertising medium for the foreseeable future. Part of that reason is that its scale is unmatched. Ray Snoddy, on Mediatel, expanded a little and…