Tag: television

  • TV Ignorance

    There’s a lot of ignorance both on television and around it. That’s why I’ve never watched an episode of Gogglebox (and almost certainly never will). But that’s not what I’m talking about. It seems to me that as I live more and more of my TV life through a combination of PVR and On Demand…

  • Horizon

    This year BBC2 is celebrating its 50th anniversary, and as part of those celebrations, its long running science programme, Horizon, is also celebrating being 50. I must admit that until the last week or so, and I hadn’t known that Horizon started right at the birth of the channel. To celebrate its half-century, Horizon has…

  • Chronicle of BBC Three’s Death Foretold

    Today news began to leak out about how the BBC is next going to be saving money. BBC Three is going “online-only”. The official announcement isn’t until tomorrow, but there seems enough truth to the rumours so far. From a selfishly personal perspective, I’m rather glad that it’s BBC Three that’s getting the [online] “chop”…

  • Radio and TV Favourites

    I think my favourite TV programmes over the Christmas and New Year period were a series of films that I didn’t spot at all when I was going through the Radio Times. Endeavour: Everest was a series of three films made by Leo Dickinson shot in and around Mount Everest between 1976 and 1991. They…