Tag: internet

  • Blocked on Twitter by a Celebrity

    Remarkably, I’ve been on Twitter since 2006 – so getting on for ten years. And in that time I’ve always tried to be cordial. I don’t get involved in slanging matches, or go looking for idiots to retweet exclaiming my “shock and anger” that there are in fact, fools with internet access. That’s not to…

  • Something Digital Advertising Could Fix To Make It Work Better

    You’re flicking through a magazine, idly going through page after page. You’re perhaps looking for an article, but as you scan the pages before you reach the article, something catches your eye. An advertisement. You flick back and read the advertisement. Then you carry on looking for something else to read. You’re watching your favourite…

  • In “How Can This Be Legal” News…

    A report today in the FT suggests that at least one mobile operator in Europe is planning on putting ad-blocking software into their network, with Google a named target. The software specifically targets web advertising rather than that in apps, and comes from an Israeli company. The reasoning is that networks are seeing massive growth…

  • Around the Web

    They’ve been there a while now. At first, just a few. But now they’re everywhere. And the invasion is growing. What am I talking about? “Content Discovery Platforms” typified by those “Around the Web” discovery link panels you often see on news sites and advertising supported blogs. Essentially, these are the tables of links that…

  • On “Internal Browsers” – And Twitter’s Recent Addition

    A while back Facebook integrated a so-called internal or in-app browser into its mobile apps. The ideas is that when you click to see a website that somebody has shared on Facebook, instead of being taken out of the Facebook environment, the app would display the relevant page within its own browser. The main reason…

  • Podcast Numbers – Does Serial Tell Us Anything?

    In a world where there are so many metrics available, there’s often a curious shortage of figures in some parts of the tech industry where you’d like there to be. Amazon won’t tell you how many Kindles its sold. Netflix won’t say how many episodes of House of Cards it has streamed. And so on.…

  • Putting YouTube and Twitter Into Perspective

    Recently Enders Analysis released a report detailing why television advertising isn’t likely to be losing out to the internet in the near term. Enders believes that television will remain the key advertising medium for the foreseeable future. Part of that reason is that its scale is unmatched. Ray Snoddy, on Mediatel, expanded a little and…

  • Retargeting – Mostly a Waste of Money

    Even though I live and breathe the internet, I only recently learnt what “retargeter” or “retargeting” companies are, and what it actually is that they do. You’ll know it even if you hadn’t heard the term either. You know that thing you were thinking of buying? Well perhaps you looked at on Amazon/John Lewis/Asos/wherever. But…

  • Big Data Really Works

    Two great examples! Despite a wealth of left-leaning and liberal titles bought from Amazon over the years, yesterday they sent me this special one day deal: More on the money was the fact that I like a bit of folk music. So a targeted Amazon folk email seems sensible, especially as it highlights the brand…

  • Podcasting – What Next?

    Tomorrow evening, there’s a Radio Academy event taking place in London looking at podcasting. As I’ve written previously, you always feel that podcasting is the perennial bridesmaid and never the bride in the digital media, and digital audio world. I suppose I’ve been thinking a little more about it recently because one of my favourite…