Tag: google

  • Amazon Echo – A Longer Term Test

    I bought my Amazon Echo on its official UK release back in September last year. I wrote about it at the time, but I thought it might be worth checking back in here to see exactly how I’m using it. Right off the top, I’ll note here that I use Alexa multiple times a day,…

  • Failing to Optimise This Site

    Over the past few days, Google has been pushing users to try running its Test My Site With Google service. In particular, it’s trying to help sites see how mobile friendly they are. I dutifully entered the details of this site, and waited for the report. I host this site quite cheaply, so wasn’t expecting…

  • Search Engines in Film

    In the Road Runner cartoons, Wily E Coyote often needed to buy various bits of equipment and products to try to stop said Road Runner. Invariably those anvils et al, were supplied by the Acme Corporation, a fictional company with a curious catalogue of products. It was always fun seeing what Acme was producing next.…

  • The Tow Center Guide to Podcasting

    There’s a terrific new report that the Tow Center for Digital Journalism – an institute within the Columbia University Graduate School of Journalism. It has published called A Guide to Podcasting. It’s an unashemedly US-centric view of the podcasting market in 2015, detailing the history of the medium, and presenting a series of case studies…

  • Google and Podcasts – More Thoughts

    This is a follow up to the post I wrote a few days ago when it was first announced that Google was getting into podcasts. Go away and read that if you’ve not already done so! A few things are worth noting that I hadn’t quite understood initially. Google Serving Podcasts and Metrics It’s very…

  • Google and Podcasts

    This week we heard the first news that Google is starting to get into the podcast game. Recode had the first decent report on the move. Currently, Apple dominates podcasts. Indeed, the word “podcast” might seem to imply to casual listener, that listening to a podcast means having an actual “iPod” to listen to them…

  • Podcasts: The Android Problem

    A piece on Digiday examines the undeniable fact that listening to podcasts is heavily skewed towards Apple’s products, despite there being significantly more Android devices in the market. Now we know that not all things are equal: iPhone owners spend more on average – probably not surprising because they tend to be more expensive devices,…

  • Why I’m Abandoning Google Inbox

    There was much excitement last autumn when Google launched Inbox, it’s revolutionary new email program. It came with accompanying mobile apps, and the company implored you to fully immerse yourself with it. Like any new product, it required invites to get in and try it. It’s the cool new thing. But having given it a…

  • My Nexus 5 Battery Woes

    I couldn’t put a precise tome on it, but at some point in the late summer or early autumn, the battery performance of my Nexus 5 fell off a cliff. I’m not an unreasonable phone user. My phone tends to get a bit of action on the commute to work, as I listen to some…

  • Inbox from Google – Quick Thoughts

    I’ve been playing around with Google’s new email solution – Inbox – for a few days now. As is usual with these things, it’s invitation only at the moment (and no, I don’t have any invites right now). But registering directly with Google doesn’t seem to take too long. But what do I think of…

  • When Are Casio, Timex or Rolex Making a Smartwatch?

    Another day, another over-excited consumer goods release. Most others use trade shows. Apple does its own thing. It works for them. Fine. I can’t comment on the phone updates as I’ve not really seen anything that interesting or novel in any phone I’ve seen announced recently. Certainly nothing to make me think that my Nexus…