Tag: films

  • The Armstrong Lie

    I’ve been watching the Tour de France for as long as I can remember. Back in the eighties, I readily adopted the new sports that Channel 4 brought to air – cycling, NFL, although perhaps not kabbadi. I certainly remember seeing Greg Lemond beat Lauren Fignon in a final stage time trial in 1989, to…

  • Northwest and Kon Tiki

    The Northwest, or Nordvest, of Copenhagen seems to be rough part of town. Let’s put it this way, you didn’t see much of it in The Killing or Borgen. It’s where the impoverished working class live, with kids falling helplessly into a life of crime. Casper is a young lad who burgles for a living.…

  • Nebraska and Pioneer

    As the London Film Festival gets into gear, I’ve been trying to catch a few films before heading to Salford and the Radio Festival. Nebraska is the new film from Alexander Payne, whose breakout film was Election, but who has also made About Schmidt, Sideways and The Descendants. I’ve not seen all his work, but…

  • Gravity

    Wow. I’ve just seen Alfonso Cuarón’s latest film, Gravity, and, well, just… wow! It’s a stunning piece of work, and I was just blown away by it on every level. Fear not – I won’t be spoiling the film in any way, and will say as little about the plot here as I can. Because…