Tag: Android
Social Audio – It’s Only So “Social” Right Now
For the last couple of months anyone in the audio space has heard an awful lot about Clubhouse, the Silicon Valley social audio startup. You need an invite to get in, and then you can chat in rooms with people who’ve got something to promote (Crypto, NFTs, themselves…) or listen to famous people chew the…
Powerbeats Pro Review: with an Android Phone
TL;DR Excellent sounding and superb fit; but some significant connectivity and synchronisation issues alongside an atrocious case. I’ve been using these new headphones for a couple of months or so now, and think that I’ve used them enough to put together some sort of review about them. The first thing to say is that the…
Changing Android Phones
I’ve never been much of a fan of Apple’s iPhones. They’ve always seemed overpriced, and far too tied down. You can only do what Apple allows you to do with them. Furthermore, the ecosystem is incredibly limited. Everyone has to use one of a very small handful of models, none of which are especially cheap…
The Tow Center Guide to Podcasting
There’s a terrific new report that the Tow Center for Digital Journalism – an institute within the Columbia University Graduate School of Journalism. It has published called A Guide to Podcasting. It’s an unashemedly US-centric view of the podcasting market in 2015, detailing the history of the medium, and presenting a series of case studies…
My Nexus 5 Battery Woes
I couldn’t put a precise tome on it, but at some point in the late summer or early autumn, the battery performance of my Nexus 5 fell off a cliff. I’m not an unreasonable phone user. My phone tends to get a bit of action on the commute to work, as I listen to some…