Podcasts, Radio, TV, Books, Cycling, Photography and More

  • Sell Me Personal Use Music Rights

    I like making the odd video, and invariable, I prefer to use music on the soundtrack. Given that I’m not about to commission my own music for my little projects, I have two choices. I can either use a music track I already know, or I can go to a music library and for a…

  • RAJAR Q4 2015

    Once again, this post is brought to you in association with RALF from DP Software and Services. I’ve used RALF for the past 9 years, and it’s my favourite RAJAR analysis tool. So I’m delighted to be able to bring you this analysis in association with it. For more details on RALF, contact Deryck Pritchard…

  • January Books

    Every year in January, I note something in this blog about including more books, and then I don’t really write about them. Well I’m making the same promise again, but more broadly I want to round up what I’ve been reading at the end of each month. We’ll see how I get on. Links to…

  • Everest

    This film is now out on DVD and download, but I actually saw it in the cinema and then failed to publish my review! I’d been meaning to see Everest for a few weeks, but there’d been a rush of decent films. I had to see this film however, because it’s a dramatisation of true…

  • London Six Day Racing

    Note: I began writing this last year, and then like so many posts, I left it languishing in drafts until I’d got around to processing the photos to go with it. Then I was lax about getting up to date with processing my photos. And so finally, three months later, here’s the whole piece. I…

  • States of Mind

    States of Mind from Adam Bowie on Vimeo. From the Ann Veronica Janssens exhibition at the Wellcome Collection last year, yellowbluepink.

  • Paris 2011

    Paris 2011 – Super 8 Footage from Adam Bowie on Vimeo. I’ve been digging through some old files on my hard disk and found some Super 8 footage I shot nearly five years ago on a day trip to Paris. So I’ve edited it a bit and added the inevitable Yé Yé Girl soundtrack.

  • Recent Photos – Norfolk

  • Photography Page

    I’ve been redesigning my Photography page to be a bit more contemporary, but still based around Flickr, because that’s the most convenient place to store my photographs. I’ve used a WordPress plugin called Justified Image Grid which seems to do the trick quite well and has lots of flexibility for pulling in photos from other…

  • What Goes Around and Cyclogeography

    I’ve spent the better part of my working life in the West End of London. That means lots of tourists, black cabs (you can’t really identify an Uber), buses and a general melange of people going about their very different businesses. As a cyclist, you can’t help also noting the cycle couriers. When I was…

  • Ada Lovelace and the Cosmonauts

    Come on. Admit it! This sounds like some kind of awesome steampunk mashup – perhaps a graphic novel. Actually it refers to two different exhibitions currently on display at the Science Museum, and that I’m finally posting about. Ada Lovelace – the “Enchantress of Number” – was a friend of Charles Babbage and can be…

  • Paris-Roubaix 2015 – In Slow Motion

    Paris Roubaix 2015 – Slowmo from Adam Bowie on Vimeo. I came across this footage which I shot at last year’s Paris-Roubaix race. The race is just over 250km and includes 27 cobbled sectors, one of which I was standing by to shoot this. I uploaded my stills of the race last year. I used…

Hadrian’s Wall

Check out some of my other photography