Podcasts, Radio, TV, Books, Cycling, Photography and More

  • My Problem with Reporting of the Fancy Bears Hack

    There is much wrong in the world of sport, including doping. Intrinsically most sports bodies are placed in tough positions, often at odds with their own self-interests. Should a sport admit to a doping problem when it may damage its own future? Then there’s WADA – the World Anti-Doping Authority. It has an ineffectual leader…

  • Camber

    Fraggle 16 from Adam Bowie on Vimeo. Shot near Jury’s Rig, Camber Sands.

  • Getting Burnt

    The whole fallout over the failure of the BBC and Love Productions to agree a deal over future series of The Great British Bake-Off is fascinating. The series started as a run-of-the-mill weekday evening BBC2 cooking competition show, where it was essentially one of many. Yet it morphed into a beast that became the biggest…

  • Backup Storage Solutions and Costs

    More than a year ago, I wrote about some experiences I’d had with backup storage and thoughts about “off-site” back-ups. It prompted a couple of responses on the blog, and a few more on social media. Not the most exciting of subjects, but an important one, as I still believe that in this age of…

  • Doing Something Different on DAB

    It does now feel that with extra DAB radio capacity from the second national mux launching earlier this year, to the various minimux that Ofcom is continuing to allow to trial, there is now a bit more experimentation going on in DAB. We’ve seen Magic launch Abba and Soul pop-up services, building on the various…

  • How Podcasts are Being Listened

    Podcast listening metrics have long been seen as something as a bone of contention. In the digital advertising world, they’re seen as inferior to metrics delivered by other parts of the industry, because while you can be pretty sure a podcast advert has been delivered, you can’t be sure that it has been heard. As…

  • HTC 10 – Initial Thoughts

    This is my fifth HTC device, although it has been a while since my last. That was an HTC One X, which was pretty decent in its day, although the camera was fairly average. Sometime before that, I also owned an HTC Desire, Orange SPV 500 (aka the HTC Typhoon) and an Orange SPV M500…

  • The Music Industry As Depicted in TV Dramas

    We may currently being experiencing peak TV, but even that doesn’t really explain the recent glut of TV series set around the music industry. A couple of weeks ago, Netflix’s new magnum opus was released – The Get Down from Baz Luhrmann. The series is rumoured to have cost a record amount, at least on…

  • How I Lost My Strava KOM

    Did you know I had a Strava King of the Mountains? No? Well neither did I. First off, Strava is a social media app/site for cyclists and runners. You either use their app on your phone to record your ride or run, or sync the data from some other device you use to measure your…

  • Best-Selling Folk Music… According to Amazon

    I have fairly broad musical tastes – it’s why I struggle when people ask me what kind of music I’m into. A couple of weekends ago, for example, you could have found me watching the Pet Shop Boys at the Royal Opera House on Saturday night, and the next day in a field in Hertfordshire…

  • RAJAR Q2 2016

    Once again, this post is brought to you in association with RALF from DP Software and Services. I’ve used RALF for the past 9 years, and it’s my favourite RAJAR analysis tool. So I continue to be delighted to be able to bring you this analysis in association with them. For more details on RALF,…

  • RideLondon 100 2016

    For the second year running, I was fortunate enough to get into the RideLondon 100 via the ballot. I had thought that the slightly increased numbers of competitors and the addition of a 46 mile option (only announced much later), might mean that everyone who wanted to, was able to enter. But that’s not true…

Hadrian’s Wall

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