Podcasts, Radio, TV, Books, Cycling, Photography and More

  • Girls on Trains

    That sounds a bit creepy. I’m actually talking about the phenomenon that is Paula Hawkins’ novel The Girl on the Train. It has been the book that everyone has been reading for the past year or so. Indeed, it if it weren’t for the fact that everyone watches iPlayer and reads Kindles, you’d have seen…

  • A Final Farewell to Demon

    My first use of the internet was when I started university in 1988. We were all allocated an email address, but it was mostly used for sending around messages between ourselves, and gaining access to the mainframes that we conducted most of our work on. At least until I discovered the joy of news groups…

  • The Salt Marshes of North Norfolk and the Supermoon

    I spent a few hours out in Blakeney and Cley next the Sea, flying my drone today, and shooting both some stills and video of the landscape there. The marshes remain busy in the winter with many birds either passing through or spending the winter months amongst the marshes. The colour of the salt marshes…

  • Diversity in Radio

    Yesterday, two things happened. I got an email from Sound Women telling me that the organisation will be closing down at the end of next year. And I went to a radio and audio conference in London. I’ll explain the link in a minute. But let’s just say for the moment, that I learnt a…

  • Dave Yates’ Framebuilding Course

    Earlier this summer, I spent a week in rural Lincolnshire building a bicycle frame, from scratch, starting with a box of steel tubes. The resulting frame was painted, and then I carefully assembled the bike from parts. The bike you see above is the fruit of those labours, and I’ve written a much longer than…

  • Six Day Cycling 2016

    I went to the inaugural Six Day London event last year, and wrote up my experiences (in a blog I oddly didn’t publish for a couple of months). From that blog: Essentially a two-man team competition, it’s racing in a velodrome over six nights, with an overall winner determined from the cumulative results. In between…

  • RAJAR Q3 2016

    Once again, this post is brought to you in association with RALF from DP Software and Services. I’ve used RALF for the past 9 years, and it’s my favourite RAJAR analysis tool. So I continue to be delighted to be able to bring you this analysis in association with them. For more details on RALF,…

  • Devil’s Dyke

    There are at least two Devil’s Dykes in the south of England. I decided that I’d be walking the one in Cambridgeshire, following a mention both in an autumn walks supplement in The Guardian, and an appearance in Tony Robinson’s Britain’s Ancient Trackways part of the Icknield Way. Naturally, I took my drone with me.…

  • Hilly Fields Early One Saturday

    Hilly Fields Overhead from Adam Bowie on Vimeo. Music by Cat’s Eyes from The Duke of Burgundy soundtrack. Their new album Treasure House, is also excellent.

  • An Egregiously Bad Chart

    The chart above is screen-grabbed from an otherwise excellent ITV4 documentary called When Football Changed the World. It looked at the state of the game as the old First Division broke away to form the Premier League at the end of the 80s and start of the 90s. It interviewed plenty of key figures from…

  • The Amazon Echo – A British Perspective

    NB. I’ve included some detail about how to connect Alexa to a BT Homehub, as it definitely seems to be causing an issue to many users who get Error: 7:3:0:0:1. Hopefully this page will help a little. Amazon has been somewhat tardy in bringing the Echo to the UK. It launched in the US in…

  • Who’s Missing from the ARIAS?

    Earlier this week, the nominations for the inaugural ARIAS were announced. These are effectively the replacement of the former Sony Radio Awards, following Sony departing as a sponsor, and the Radio Academy reorganising itself and slimming down. Over the 16 award categories, the BBC has 54 nominations, including several catetgories that only feature BBC nominees,…

Hadrian’s Wall

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