Podcasts, Radio, TV, Books, Cycling, Photography and More

  • Image Posting – A Bit More Optimised

    Yesterday I mentioned that I was struggling with embedding properly responsive images that will go lovely and large if you have a nice big screen, but only download a small image if that’s all I need. Added to which, I use Flickr to host all my images for me. Thanks to Emily in the comments…

  • Rail Fares: Who’d Benefit From Cutting Them?

    Today, most of the country went back to work, or at least began to return judging by the generally quiet commute I had today. But a new year means new rail fares. Or more to the point increased rail fares. It’s always worth noting that it’s UK Government policy to reduce rail subsidies. Like most…

  • Failing to Optimise This Site

    Over the past few days, Google has been pushing users to try running its Test My Site With Google service. In particular, it’s trying to help sites see how mobile friendly they are. I dutifully entered the details of this site, and waited for the report. I host this site quite cheaply, so wasn’t expecting…

  • Morston Salt Marshes

    Morston Salt Marshes from Adam Bowie on Vimeo. This is something of a companion piece to my previous salt marshes video which was shot a little further down the coast at Blakeney and Cley. Morston quay also has passage out into the sound, Blakeney Pit, and onwards to Blakeney Point. The music is from the…

  • The Fog Rolling In

  • Radio Times – Boxing Day 2016

    So you’ve made it through to Boxing Day. Assuming you’re not hitting the shops for the sales, or off to some sporting or outdoors activity, you’ll be settling in at home looking for more entertainment. Here are my choices and anti-choices for Boxing Day from the Radio Times. As ever, click the link below to…

  • Radio Times – Christmas Day 2016

    Happy Christmas! It feels as though everyone and their mum has released a Christmas Message™ this year. However, I shall simply try my best to satisfy the nation’s TV watching by sharing once more pages from my copy of the Radio Times. Hopefully this will help you find some of the programmes the rest of…

  • Radio Times – Christmas Eve 2016

    It’s that time of year again, when I humbly take it upon myself to help you make your viewing and listening choices. Yes – that means Post-Its and pens on a copy of the Christmas Radio Times, scanning them in and making your life easier. (I’ve been doing this for quite a while.) As ever,…

  • TeamRock: An Autopsy (I Never Understood You)

    The sad news, just ahead of Christmas, is that 73 staff who worked for Team Rock, have lost their jobs as their company has entered administration. The Daily Record reports that just seven staff will be kept on to help administrators. It’s a disappointing end to a business that I never quite understood. Team Rock…

  • The Singles Charts

    It may seem unlikely that I’m writing about the UK singles charts, on the basis that I’m not sure that I could name a single song released this year that may have troubled the chart compilers. Except that it turns out I’m wrong. I know quite a lot of the songs in the current chart.…

  • TechCon 2016 – The Return

    One of the casualties of the changes surrounding the Radio Academy was that TechCon, the one day conference about radio and audio technology, fell by the wayside. Fortunately, it was gamely picked up by Ann Charles, Aradhna Tayal and Andy Buckingham, who took the conference independent. Running a conference is not for the faint-hearted, with…

  • Getting Rid of Preinstalled Apps on an HTC 10

    This is really just a short blog to explain one of the most annoying things on my otherwise excellent HTC 10. The phone comes with a number of preinstalled apps, whether you want them or not. That’s not unusual for Android phones. Aside from Google’s own devices, it’s as common as the crapware you get…

Hadrian’s Wall

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