Podcasts, Radio, TV, Books, Cycling, Photography and More

  • Sky/Discovery Carriage Dispute

    Channel carriage disputes are relatively rare in the UK, but we’re in for a sizeable one right now, with Discovery publicly stepping forward and saying that from the end of this month, Sky subscribers may no longer get access to a Discovery channels. It seems that the two companies have been unable to reach agreement…

  • Fen Drayton Lakes – Video

    Following on from my previous post with a few photos, here’s a video I shot at the same time. Fen Drayton from Adam Bowie on Vimeo.

  • Fen Drayton Lakes

    At the weekend I was out in Fen Drayton in Cambridgeshire making use of some good weather to take some photos of the landscape and big skies. The area is easily reachable by taking the Guided Busway from Cambridge in the direction of St Ives. Only a handful of buses run along the route, but…

  • Tube Strike Day

    An all-out London tube strike seems to be quite a rare thing these days. While individual lines can be affected, or a percentage of services disrupted, the full network doesn’t go down all that often. But today is one of those days when nearly the entire network has stopped working. For many it’s a question…

  • Instax Share SP-1

    In the back of my fridge is a packet of Polaroid 600 film. Polaroid stopped making it back in 2009 and it’s well past its sell-by date. At some point I’ll find a good reason to shoot this last packet. At the point that Polaroid fell by the wayside, it felt as though that was…

  • GIFs

    I really don’t like GIFs. Nobody even seems to know how to pronounce the word. Or rather, I don’t like the way they’re used most of the time. They’re incredibly lazy, and just seem to take out of context “hilarious” emotions or actions. I think my real problem is they scream “look at me!” When…

  • A Tale of Two Ferries

    I thought I’d document a few of my more interesting rides from last year. So here’s one I made over the August Bank Holiday weekend. The ride is a circular route starting and finishing at Colchester railway station. You quickly leave Colchester and head north into Dedham Vale where there are both a few hills…

  • Farewell to the Arqiva Awards; the Continued Fragmentation of the UK Radio Industry

    Towards the end of last year we learned that after 21 years, the Arqiva Radio Awards (previously the CRCA Awards) have now come to an end. The awards, which were contested by commercial radio alone, have been a mainstay of the calendar for many years now. Many might recall that in years gone by when…

  • Grand Tour

    We’re several weeks into Amazon’s megabudget Top Gear remake, “Grand Tour,” and you can’t fail to have noticed it has arrived. There have been ads everywhere from the sides of buses to TV, and of course, all over the front page of the Amazon website. Even Amazon’s packaging covers their grinning faces right now. We’ve…

  • Editorial Note

    Looking at my WordPress dashboard, I see that I have over 100 posts in draft form – saved, but unpublished. This is clearly ridiculous. Now it’s true that many of them are only very slightly sketched out, but others are full pieces that I, for whatever reason, never quite got around to publishing. So I’m…

  • Future Shock: The Story of 2000AD

    The comic, 2000AD, was launched in 1977 when I was 7 years old. While I read a fair few comics when I was young, I can’t say that I was reading 2000AD from the very start. It was more about The Beano at that time, which I’d begin to buy with my pocket money on…

  • Celebrity RIP Tweets

    We have just come through 2016, and for many, it won’t be fondly remembered. Election and referendum results notwithstanding, there were a number of deaths – often of people very much revered. Today, when someone dies, we learn about it almost instantly. The news will turn up in social feeds. Alerts on our smartphones will…

Hadrian’s Wall

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