Podcasts, Radio, TV, Books, Cycling, Photography and More

  • Brancaster Beach

    Brancaster Beach from Adam Bowie on Vimeo. Up early this morning to head to Brancaster beach along the North Norfolk coast and capture these images. The beach is vast as you can see and to the east of it, there’s a channel, Norton Creek, which separates the mainland from Scolt Head Island. The channel itself…

  • Heathland near Holt Country Park

    Holt Country Park from Adam Bowie on Vimeo.

  • Early Morning on the Beach

    Early Morning on the Beach from Adam Bowie on Vimeo. I was up early this morning to shoot this with my drone. I’m fairly pleased with it, and the weather was lovely after a miserable day of rain.

  • Bank Holidays

    What do you do on a Bank Holiday? Go for a bike ride? Visit the seaside? Go for a swim? All of the above? OK – this is really just an excuse to play with an action camera – specifically the GoPro that will spend most of its time on my Brompton.

  • Bike Cameras for my Brompton

    For some time now I’ve been thinking about putting a camera or cameras on my bike for my commute. While there was no single thing that tipped me over the edge, and I’ve been lucky to only have some rare incidents with other traffic, the ease with which you can fit cameras to bikes meant…

  • RideLondon Classique 2017

    A few weeks ago, it was the annual RideLondon. This year I didn’t get a space in the main RideLondon 100, but I still popped down to watch the RideLondon Classique race around a central London course. Unfortunately it was a miserable day, with fairly unrelenting rain. I meant to arrive a little earlier than…

  • Dwindling Choices

    A couple of weeks ago, Ofcom released its annual Communications Market Report. It’s always stuffed full of information about the UK media marketplace that can be fascinating to dissect. In 2016, ownership of DVD players (including Blu Ray and games consoles with DVD functionality) was 67% of UK households. This year, it’s just 63% of…

  • Netflix and Disney

    Last week came news that Disney would be pulling its movies from Netflix at the end of the current arrangement, and that Disney would in future launch its own streaming service. This licensing agreement generated a vast amount of coverage, much of it ill-informed, and ignoring wider issues in the market. There are a few…

  • RAJAR Q2 2017

    As ever, this post is brought to you in association with RALF from DP Software and Services. I’ve used RALF for the past 9 years, and it’s my favourite RAJAR analysis tool. So I am delighted that I continue to be able to bring you this RAJAR analysis in association with RALF. For more details…

  • Encryption – A Failure to Understand

    Today in the Telegraph, Amber Rudd, the UK Home Secretary has written an opinion piece (subscription) trying once more to explain the Government’s views on encryption. Broadly speaking, they’re very upset that it’s really hard to break into terrorist and ne’er do well’s encrypted messages over services such as WhatsApp. It would be much easier…

  • Dunkirk

    Christopher Nolan is clearly one of this generation’s outstanding film makers. From Memento through to his Dark Knight trilogy, to Inception and Interstellar, he does something interesting every time. Not only are his films glorious to watch, shot with large-format film including IMAX for much of his latest, but his films are very successful at…

  • oBikes – Initial Thoughts

    On Saturday night, I was returning to my north London home when I noticed something I’d not seen before – a new type of hire bike. Now us Londoners have become used to “Boris Bikes” – or Santander Cycles as they’re officially known. This is a scheme that I’ve been using fairly consistently since its…

Hadrian’s Wall

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