Podcasts, Radio, TV, Books, Cycling, Photography and More

  • Faster, Faster, Faster!

    There was a Buzzfeed piece recently, exploring those people who listen to podcasts at super-fast speed. I don’t just mean 1.2x or something, but some of them listen at 3x speed or even faster. Elsewhere, a Guardian writer thanked Netflix for allowing him to skip all the intros to TV series and the ability to…

  • Radio Times: Boxing Day TV

    The last of these annotated Radio Times “guides” for this Christmas. By now, everyone is a tiny bit fed up with one another. Walks are being talked about, and others are busily trying to hoover up bargains online. And everyone generally feels sorry for Next employees who are forced to be there in time to…

  • Radio Times: Christmas Day TV

    Happy Christmas! Thanks to the regular readers of this blog, and anyone who visits at this time of year, just because they’re desperate to find something to watch on TV. I mean, what were you going to do otherwise? Watch that dodgy sounding Will Smith film on Netflix? Binge watch The Crown? Argue over whether…

  • Radio Times: Christmas Eve TV

    It’s the Sunday before Christmas. That thing you’re still vaguely hoping will be delivered before Christmas is never going to make it. But the good news is that it’s a Sunday, so you’re probably not working. But what to watch on TV this evening? As ever, my annotated Radio Times guide is here to help.…

  • Pixel 2 – Review

    Note: I’m calling this a review, but frankly, it’s still early days, and there’ll be lots of things that come out in the wash further down the line. So think of these more as some initial thoughts. Not that any of this stuff prevents other sites posting reviews after less than a week’s worth of…

  • Premier League TV Rights – 2019-2022

    The new Premier League TV rights auction for the UK has just got under way, with bids due in at the end of January, and the results announced in early February. Such are the scale of these rights now, that the announcement tends to be made to accommodate the stock market. If a PLC is…

  • Twilight

  • Network

    The 1976 Paddy Chayefsky film is something of a classic with Peter Finch’s network news anchor Howard Beale essentially having a nervous breakdown on air when the network first tries to push him out the door, and then, when ratings soar, grab hold of him and let him do what he wants. It has always…

  • Book Making

    I spent a few hours at the Barbican attending a book making course, and ended up with these two booklets. They’re books with four-hole stab binding, with 20 pages of double-ply paper inside. Actually one of them has a couple of extra holes to allow a more complex stitching pattern in the corners. My stitching…

  • Changing Android Phones

    I’ve never been much of a fan of Apple’s iPhones. They’ve always seemed overpriced, and far too tied down. You can only do what Apple allows you to do with them. Furthermore, the ecosystem is incredibly limited. Everyone has to use one of a very small handful of models, none of which are especially cheap…

  • TV News Channels – Political Pawns

    In the last few days, both Sky News and CNN have become tangentially embroiled in ongoing media takeovers. In both cases, there could be an impact on their longterm futures to a greater or lesser extent. In the UK, 21st Century Fox is trying to takeover complete ownership of BSkyB. In a response to the…

  • Lights

    It has been a week since British Summer Time ended, the clocks went back an hour, and suddenly the sun is setting around 4:30pm. If you ride a bike, and work regular hours, that means that you’re going to be cycling home in the dark. Now I’m a pretty live-and-let-live cyclist, in that I’m not…

Hadrian’s Wall

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