Podcasts, Radio, TV, Books, Cycling, Photography and More

  • Right Hooked – A Near Miss

    A Ford Fiesta turns right oblivious of me being in a cycle lane along the right hand side of the road. This is known as a left-, or in this instance, right-hook. A near miss. The road is Maple Street which, unusually, has a separated cycle lane along the right-hand side of the road rather…

  • RAJAR MIDAS – Winter 2017 Results

    There seems to have been a bit more noise made about this week’s release of RAJAR’s MIDAS data. Recent releases have perhaps appeared a little too closely to the main quarterly RAJAR release. MIDAS stands for “Measurement of Internet Delivered Audio Services” although it doe sa little more than this, particularly when comparing what platforms…

  • Digitising My Life in 2018

    Life is digital. We’ve known that for a long time. Digital offers lots of convenience, but it brings with it complications. In particular, safe storage. In 2018 I need to try to fix three or four problems/issues I have coming up. 1. Cloud Storage As longtime readers might know, I have a couple of Synology…

  • 2018 Media Predictions

    It’s that time of year when, because not a lot else is going on, and pages need to be filled, everyone is busily predicting what might happen in 2018. So here are my bold and not so bold predictions in the coming year across the media industry. A streamer will win some Premier League rights.…

  • Programmes I Know I Should Have Seen But Haven’t – Stuck in Draft #6

    Here’s a slightly enlarged piece I wrote back in 2015 or so, but never got around to finishing. So I’ve had a bit more of a bash at it, but still feel it makes the grade as part of my Stuck in Draft series. In David Lodge’s Changing Places, the English faculty play a game…

  • 11 Reasons I Hate Listicles – Stuck in Draft #5

    Here’s a short piece I wrote years ago. Published here as part of my Stuck in Draft series. First things first – I’m not even sure that “listicles” is a real word. However I expect it pop up in the OED in due course because so much “journalism” is today being built around lists. So…

  • Wicken Fen: A Cycle Ride from Ely to Cambridge – Stuck in Draft #4

    Here’s a cycle ride I took in April 2016. I think the winter and spring months are quite a nice time to do this ride. It’s not especially demanding and is easy to reach from London with direct trains from King’s Cross. Another in my series, Stuck in Draft. Reading Rain recently, I realised that…

  • Google and Podcasts – Stuck in Draft #3

    This is another of my Stuck in Drafts series – where I dig into things I had largely written months or even years ago – and get around to publishing them. This one is a little unusual in that it was penned back in April 2016, and I’ve left it alone. However, I’ve added some…

  • The Olympics: Celebrating Success or Jingoism? – Stuck in Draft #2

    I wrote this over a year ago, and never quite got around to publishing it. Hence it now forms part of my Stuck in Draft series. And so another Olympics have concluded and from where I sit it has been a success. Let me clarify that a little. Team GB has undoubtedly been successful. But…

  • Waves

    Waves from Adam Bowie on Vimeo. Shot with my Pixel 2 earlier today as high winds and rain battered the coast.

  • Blade Runner 2049

    Note: There will be spoiler elements to this. So if you’ve not yet seen Blade Runner 2049, and you plan on doing so, you may want to skip this piece. I’ve been meaning to write about this for weeks now, having been both dreading and eagerly anticipating this film since I heard it was being…

  • A Shopping Failure – Stuck in Drafts #1

    Note: This was written several months ago, but for some reason I never published it at the time. Hence the “Stuck in Drafts” label. I recently visited The Cycle Show at the Birmingham. It was an entertaining – if slightly tiring day. Obviously it’s a bit of a trek from my part of North London,…

Hadrian’s Wall

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