Podcasts, Radio, TV, Books, Cycling, Photography and More

  • Fens: Ely to Cambridge

    Cambridge to Ely from Adam Bowie on Vimeo. From a ride I did earlier in the year between Ely and Cambridge, taking my drone and using a bike camera.

  • RAJAR Q1 2018

    As ever, this post is brought to you in association with RALF from DP Software and Services. I’ve used RALF for the past 9 years, and it’s my favourite RAJAR analysis tool. So I am delighted that I continue to be able to bring you this RAJAR analysis in association with RALF. For more details…

  • Three New Exhibitions

    There are some really good exhibitions on at the moment in London. Actually, there are always really good exhibitions on. But over the weekend I went to three new ones, and all three were really good, and well worth visiting in their own rights. I spent a May Sunday visiting the three and using a…

  • Gursky

    In 2011 a record price was set for the sale of a photograph. Rhein II by Andreas Gursky was sold at Christie’s for $4.3m. It was the then highest price paid for a photograph (and likely remains so). Compared to the Leonardo da Vinci Salvador Munci painting that was sold for $450m last year, that’s…

  • Giro D’Italia – T-Shirt

    It has been a while since I screen-printed anything, so with Simon Yates in the Maglia Rosa at the moment, winning today’s stage at the Gran Sasso d’Italia, I made the t-shirt above. I’m reasonably happy with it, and that’s a treated image of Fausto Coppi on the right, the five times winner of the…

  • Garmin Varia RTL510

    I seem to have a constant battle with rear lights on my bikes. The main problem is that I use a saddlebag on my full-size bike, and attaching a bike light to it is a seemingly simple task, but tends not to be brilliant. If you have enough seat-post showing, then placing the light below…

  • The Redundancy of Imploring Me To Change Things

    I regularly receive emails of the following type: Hi, My name is XXXX and I’m writing to you on behalf of YYYY. We have noticed that you wrote about on your page . We have a new that would be helpful to your readers. We think you’re doing a wonderful job and everything you publish…

  • Netflix, Independent Cinema, and Hollywood’s New Business Model

    The other day The Ringer published a piece about Netflix and their original movie strategy. The piece, entitled Netflix and Shrill listed the original movies that Netflix has already released in 2018 and challenged readers to see how many they recognised. For most people, the most familiar title will have been The Cloverfield Paradox. This…

  • Winding Down Local TV

    In the dim and distant past of 2011, Jeremy Hunt, then Culture Secretary, kicked off “Local TV.” “For consumers, what this will mean is a new channel dedicated to the provision of local news and content,” he said. In due course, he saw through the legislation to create a series of local TV services. This…

  • Gaming Google

    It’s widely understood that news organisations can find the going quite precarious in this digital age, with a reluctance on the part of consumers to pay for news, and advertising alone not bringing in enough revenues. So it’s perhaps not surprising that they should look at whatever advantages they can take, and some of these…

  • Rail v Road During Holidays: Compare and Contrast

    The above press release dropped into my inbox the other day.* It’s from Highways England, and is of the sort that is regularly published at holiday times of the year. So as we enter the Easter weekend, roadworks all over the country have been temporarily lifted to enable the flow of traffic. They even have…

  • Facebook Pixel Tracking

    This morning Nieman Lab had a really good piece asking whether if there was a certain amount of hypocrisy coming from certain news organisations castigating Facebook for leaking data, when at the same time they’re helping Facebook collect more data on you. Recall yesterday, when I said that some of Facebook’s data was missing from…

Hadrian’s Wall

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