Podcasts, Radio, TV, Books, Cycling, Photography and More

  • Driving Under Lockdown

    As the roads are currently much emptier during the UK coronavirus lockdown, in general terms it’s actually somewhat safer out there. The air is clearer and there’s much less traffic. Of course only those who are doing work that can’t be done from home, and those either shopping or doing other critical chores are supposed…

  • Red Moon

    Red Moon

    I’m currently watching For All Mankind on Apple TV+. The series is one of a handful that Apple has made free for a “limited time.” Coming from Ron (Battlestar Galactica) Moore, it was for me the most intriguing of Apple’s launch series, and I’m a little under halfway through it and really enjoying it. The…

  • The Nadir of Local TV

    The Nadir of Local TV

    Local TV has been a failure since the start. It was started on a fallacy, and has proved uneconomic, with most of the stations licenced (Ofcom has stopped licencing new services) rolled into a single service with minimal local output. But London Live has lived on. Owned by Evgeny Lebedev, also the owner of the…

  • Getting By Without Cinemas

    Getting By Without Cinemas

    I go to the cinema a fair amount, and I suspect from the film industry’s perspective, I’m in the top 10 per cent or higher in my frequency of going. I see a film at the cinema probably every fortnight on average – especially during Oscar season, when we’re deluged with quality films at a…

  • Pete Mitchell

    Pete Mitchell

    It was with great sadness that we learned earlier last month that the radio presenter Pete Mitchell had died at just 61. Pete was a fantastic radio DJ, and an absolutely lovely person. I’m publishing this just before 11am on April 3rd, when Pete’s funeral will be taking place. Unfortunately, due to current circumstances only…

  • Making the Most of Life Under Lockdown

    Well it’s been just over two weeks for me now living in a lockdown state of mind. It might not officially have been that long, but for me it became apparent when I listened to one of the first press conferences and the imperative that in London in particular all non-essential travel had to stop,…

  • Apple and Dark Sky

    Apple and Dark Sky

    Yesterday came news that Apple has bought the company who make the mobile weather app, Dark Sky. For those who don’t know, Dark Sky is a particularly good weather app that marries great design with accurate minute-by-minute prediction of things like rain. They began as an iOS app, before making an API available to other…

  • Wester Ross

    Wester Ross

    In what now seems like an age ago, although it was actually just a couple of weeks ago, I spent the week in Wester Ross, a part of the Scottish Highlands that I hadn’t really visited before. It’s that part of the western Highlands that includes Torridon, Gairloch and Ullapool. I was based in a…

  • Attaching a Peak Design Strap to a Sony RX100

    Attaching a Peak Design Strap to a Sony RX100

    I made the above video because I had been struggling to find a way to attach a Peak Design Leash strap to a Sony RX100 camera. I solved it using angling split rings, as they were the only rings small enough to go through the loops on the RX100 camera body. Yes – my RX100…

  • The Blame Game

    [Update] Private Eye sums all of this up succinctly: I’ve never watched Love Island. It’s not my kind of programme. Likewise, I don’t watch Strictly these days, and so some people in the public eye tend to slip past me. But none of that means I’m without empathy for someone who, for whatever reason, has…

  • Just A Regular Cycle Ride Home

    Just A Regular Cycle Ride Home

    I turned on my bike camera this evening for the first time in ages, and a single ride pretty much captured everything in a single shot. Two separate cars turning across me either not indicating at all, or indicating half-way through the manoeuvre. A bus entering a box junction before it can ensure it can…

  • Magic Mirror

    Magic Mirror

    Note: Taking good photos of mirrors is very hard! This photo suggests lots of double images, but in fact they’re not visible to the human eye, and the text is nice and sharp! Nor can you see acrylic marks in the screen. Yes, the mirror still works as a mirror. And yes, I’ve intentionally blurred…

Hadrian’s Wall

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