Podcasts, Radio, TV, Books, Cycling, Photography and More

  • New T-Shirts

    New T-Shirts

    Since like many, I have a little more time on my hands, I’ve been trying to improve my screen-printing set-up. That includes some new larger screens which make the printing easier. I’ve also moved on from a 250W photo-flood bulb to a 1000W halogen bulb. UV is where it’s really at, but after some experimentation,…

  • Froome at the Giro in 2018

    Froome at the Giro in 2018

    I don’t mention it here as often as I should, but I do work as one of the producers on The Cycling Podcast. It’s has once again been nominated in the sports category for a British Podcast Award, and if it’s the sort of thing you do, you can vote for us in The Listener’s…

  • RAJAR Q1 2020

    RAJAR Q1 2020

    This post is brought to you in association with RALF from DP Software and Services. I’ve used RALF for the many years, and it’s my favourite RAJAR analysis tool. So I am delighted that I continue to be able to bring you this RAJAR analysis in association with RALF. For more details on the product,…

  • Using a £20 Lidl Ultrasonic Cleaner on a Bike Cassette

    Using a £20 Lidl Ultrasonic Cleaner on a Bike Cassette

    In my local Lidl this weekend, I noticed a stash of ultrasonic cleaners retailing at £19.99 each. Usually they’d be used for things like jewellery. But I’d seen a couple of videos online with people using them to clean bike components – particularly cassettes and chains. So I bought one, removed the cassette from my…

  • Playing with GoPro’s TimeWarp Feature

    Playing with GoPro’s TimeWarp Feature

    TimeWarp does a kind of timelapse for motion, but smooths everything out. I still wanted a ride that took over an hour to be faster, so there’s some post-processing here to further speed up large sections to get a video under 90 seconds.

  • Les Evenson – Virgin Radio

    Les Evenson – Virgin Radio

    TL;DR If you got this article via Google because you’ve been offered rock memorabilia supposedly signed by a former Virgin Radio employee, then if it’s the person I’ve written about here, it’s probably FAKE. In the last couple of months, I’ve had two separate emails to my blog asking me about: L EvensLes Evenson In…

  • Binaural Walk

    Binaural Walk

    On Friday I went for my daily constitutional, and I recorded it in binaural sound. Play back the video above to hear a short version, with some photographic visualisation. You need to wear headphones! The binaural effect doesn’t work without them.

  • Reveil 2020

    Reveil 2020

    This weekend is the annual Reveil event organised around the Locus Sonus Soundmap. The idea of the broadcast is that it captures the dawn chorus across the world, following the sunrise – or pre-dawn really – as birds wake up and sing. I’ve written about this before, including last year, detailing how to go about…

  • Spring Sunday

    Spring Sunday

    On Sunday I went for a walk locally, taking in the farms and fields that are around the green belt near where I live. Today, and the rest of the week are set to be wet and gloomy. So here are some sunny pictures from the weekend! A few more pictures are over on Flickr.

  • Vitti and Antonioni

    Vitti and Antonioni

    Over the last week or so, I’ve been watching or rewatching the loose trilogy of black and white films that Michelangelo Antonioni made with the actress Monica Vitti released between 1960 and 1962. Each was made in black and white, and each took a profoundly moderning – and sometimes disparing look at the new world.…

  • BFI Archives Tour

    BFI Archives Tour

    Note: If any of the images are blurry click through to Flickr. There’s also a much bigger set of photos over there! One of the benefits of being a member of the BFI is that occasionally they do things like have tours. I put my name in the hat for a tour of the BFI’s…

  • Clear Skies

    Clear Skies

    On Sunday, as I returned from a late afternoon cycle ride out in northern Enfield and southern Hertfordshire, I noticed the view from The Ridgeway, a road that as it suggests, is quite high up above London. (It’s all relative). Yes – you can normally look out to the City of London, and then across…

Hadrian’s Wall

Check out some of my other photography