Podcasts, Radio, TV, Books, Cycling, Photography and More

  • News Subscriptions – and the Lack of Alternatives

    News Subscriptions – and the Lack of Alternatives

    I’m a bit of a news junkie. I always have been. I read a newspaper each day – and spend a lot of time online reading lots and lots of stories from lots and lots of sites. I might regularly have 60+ Chrome tabs open on my browser full of long reads that I’m planning…

  • The Chalet by Catherine Cooper

    The Chalet by Catherine Cooper

    The Chalet is a debut thriller, and it’s a great ride. Told from several vantage points, and from two timelines, we are taken to an Alpine ski resort. In the present day, a wealthy group has gathered in a luxury chalet, and of course there are secrets. Ria has come with her husband Hugo, who…

  • RAJAR During COVID-19

    RAJAR During COVID-19

    This afternoon RAJAR, the UK’s radio research body, published a press release explaining changes they were making to the survey during the pandemic. It’s worth reading in full. In essence, because their research partners have been unable to conduct face-to-face interviews due to lockdown and social distancing measures, published RAJAR numbers will be based on…

  • North Norfolk

    North Norfolk

    I actually got out of my home town for the first time in months recently, to visit my parents on the North Norfolk coast. While I was there I dusted down my drone at shot the footage above in Sheringham and Blakeney. Note that while flying in Blakeney, my drone came “under attack” from some…

  • Comet NEOWISE: Part 3

    Comet NEOWISE: Part 3

    After a week of mostly cloudy weather, Friday night looked like it might be slightly clear. But I also wanted to find somewhere new to take pictures. As it happens, I ended up where I was previously. I cycled over to a high point on a road near a local country park. But I was…

  • Fair Warning by Michael Connelly

    Fair Warning by Michael Connelly

    Of course I’m going to read a new Michael Connelly book, and it’s interesting that he’s one of the relatively few authors still being published during lockdown, with so many spring books being pushed to the autumn. While I’ve read everything Connelly has published in recent years, this is actually the first book featuring his…

  • Just Like You by Nick Hornby

    Just Like You by Nick Hornby

    This is the first Nick Hornby novel I’ve read in a while, although I’ve certainly read most of his more famous work. I couldn’t quite put a handle on why I’d stopped reading him, but I definitely enjoyed this new work. Lucy is a white school teacher in her forties who’s getting over a breakdown…

  • Comet NEOWISE: Part 2

    Comet NEOWISE: Part 2

    Following my previous attempts at photographing Comet NEOWISE, I went out again late on Sunday evening. With Nautical Twilight ending at just after 11:00pm, I headed off just before then to see if the visibility would be decent for another stab at photographing NEOWISE. I was keen to get out on Sunday because the weather…

  • Hunting Comet NEOWISE

    Hunting Comet NEOWISE

    There’s a new comet in the skies, and it’s perhaps the most visible comet we’ve had for 25 years. Comet NEOWISE (or more formally, C/2020 F3) is so named because it was discovered by the NEOWISE space telescope back in March. It’s now visible in our skies and is actually pretty bright if you go…

  • USB-C: So Much User Uncertainty

    USB-C: So Much User Uncertainty

    The PC I’ve just been building (I’ll reveal all soon), has two USB-C sockets. The case at the front has a USB-C Gen 1 socket, matching the header on the motherboard, which allows 5 Gbps data transmission. The socket at the rear, is USB-C Gen 2, which doubles that to 10 Gbps. Neither of them…

  • Reading in a Time of Covid

    Reading in a Time of Covid

    Since the world went to the dogs earlier in the year, and many of us have been stuck largely in our homes, our lives have basically been turned upside down. For me, work continued. I can work remotely. I have my work laptop, and a vaguely agreeable space in which to set it up. So…

  • Something Was Broken Here..

    I’m not sure what yet, but I will be fixing it over the next day or so… All fixed now. Cheers Jonny!

Hadrian’s Wall

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