Category: Video

  • Kite Aerial Photography #3 – Christmas Success

    What better day than Christmas Day to have a third attempt at some kite aerial photography? My first couple of attempts were disappointing to say the least. I’ve found it tricky to find both a location and enough wind to get the kite up supporting the camera, but not too much wind to cause me…

  • Video Snippet

    While a massive storm rolls across the country, I spent the day editing video. Here’s another snippet of something that’s coming soon. Have you ever seen a murmation of starlings? Well here’s what happens when they gather on a water tower. Starlings on Water Tower near Blythburgh from Adam Bowie on Vimeo.

  • Muvi X-Lapse Timelapse Experiements

    Yesterday I got hold of a cheap Muvi X-Lapse. It’s basically a device that you can mount on a tripod, and then on top of it you can either place a small(ish) camera or a mobile phone. Then with some kind of intervalmeter software either on your camera or your phone, you can shoot rotating…

  • Woods

    Woods from Adam Bowie on Vimeo. Shot as an excuse to try that tracking feature you can do in After Effects. Music chosen because I saw Philip Glass play later that evening. The tracking was done with a Mobislyder, and the video on a Sony RX100. If there’s one thing I’m coming to realise about…

  • Licencing Music

    Of late, I’ve been shooting a few Super 8 films, and have really enjoyed the somewhat back to basics pleasures. I’ve still got plenty to learn about the medium however. But I am left with a problem. Because of the silent nature, the films work much better if I put a soundtrack on them. And…

  • Holiday Video

    While I was on holiday recently, I made a short film… It’s a Super 8 film shot on the island of Syros. The camera is a Canon 318M, and the music is from the film Le Mépris and is composed by Georges Delerue. The camera’s filter was misbehaving so I’ve colour corrected a bit. The…

  • London to Brighton 2010

    I’ve got a few videos saved up that I’ve not edited or posted. So I thought I’d work through the backlog! This was taken last August (so it’s been a while) when a few of us cycled from London to Brighton as part of a vaguely radio-themed outing. As you might be able to tell…

  • A Video

    This is a short video I made a few weeks ago at the seaside in Broadstairs. Featured are my brother and his family, so you may well not be interested. But it’s shot on Super 8 – Kodak Ektachrome 100D to be precise – and filmed with the same Canon Auto Zoom 318M that my…

  • Timelapses

    When it became clear that it was going to snow fairly heavily near my flat last night, I thought it might be fun to put some timelapse videos together. Indeed, that might be a good idea, but I’m not convinced that I managed the best implementation ever. This first video is the worst. It’s the…

  • Bladerunner

    I’m really looking forward to Bladerunner: The Final Cut, essentially a big DVD boxset that’ll be the final version of Bladerunner, a classic SF film that’s definitely up amongst my favourites, but which has a troubled version history. But it’s a little disingenuous, for Ridley Scott to claim to claim that he has an aversion…

  • Fight Fight Fight

    Sillyness at work this morning…

  • Very funny…

    Scarily accurate…

  • The Christian O’Connell Show Panto

    Up early for camera duty for the Breakfast Show panto this morning. Great fun with Thandie Newton, David Tennant and Brian Blessed joining the team.