Category: Technology

  • Some Random Things

    It’s Up For Grabs Now is a very good new podcast about Arsenal presented by Alan Davies and some of his mates. There are four episodes so far, and they’re all excellent including yesterday’s which deals with Thierry Henry and Ireland, the Sunderland game at the weekend, and even Spurs. The podcast comes from a…

  • Aerial Photography: An Experiment

    They say that if you don’t experiment, you won’t succeed. So let’s call yesterday an experiment shall we? About a year ago, Photojojo – a great photography website – sent out a link to a balloon photography experiment carried out by a guy named David Trawin. He basically attached helium balloons to a cradle that…

  • The iPhone on Orange

    There’s much excitement today as Orange announces – two years after the phone’s first launch – that it has secured the iPhone on its network. They’ve set up a pre-order system and everything. As Rory-Cellan Jones says in his good piece over at the BBC: new phone launches on a network – so what? I…

  • Digital Britain: 2015 – First Thoughts on Radio

    It’s finally here – The Digital Britain report. It’s Lord Stephen Carter’s magnum opus, before he ups and offs. The headlines are sure to be the levy charged on fixed lines to fund broadband, encouraging and enabling the wider take-up of broadband, and even the piracy issue. What happens to BBC licence fee money is…

  • Email Marketing

    This is easily a topic for a book, but I shall limit this to a short rant about Epson. In early January this year I bought a new printer – an Epson. It was nice printer, not massively overpriced, but a good quality photo printer with the widely priased Claria ink system. During installation and…

  • iPhone Fun And Games

    I’m not quite sure I understand all the annoyance at the moment over the new iPhone. As I see it, things go like this: * November 2007 – Apple and O2 release the iPhone in the UK and sell 18 month contracts. * July 2008 – Apple and O2 release the 3G version of the…

  • Listening to the Radio via a Nokia N82

    The other day I talked about the frustration I suffered when I tried to listen to BBC Radio Five Live on my mobile streaming via 3G. I thought that it might be worth exploring that a little more. Most of the news about listening to the radio via your phone is about the iPhone. Of…

  • iTunes and Audiobooks

    In a lot of ways iTunes is really very good. Obviously it’s a painless way to purchase music, or convert your CDs to audiofiles for uploading to your iPod. It allows you to sync your library to your portable device relatively painlessly. And I must admit that the new Genius feature isn’t too bad (if…

  • RAJAR and All Things Digital

    Everything happens at once. Yesterday, saw the publication of Q4 2008’s RAJAR results, and the eagerly awaited Digital Britain report. They’re not really related, but I should probably say something about both. From close to home, my employer, Absolute Radio, published its first results, and they clearly don’t make for comfortable reading. The numbers show…

  • Digital Britain

    One of the most interesting documents likely to be published in the UK in the next few months is Lord Stephen Carter’s Digital Britain report. The draft report is due to be published by the end of this month, and it’s likely to cover things like public service, broadband and digital radio. The recent DRWG…

  • Asda DAB

    A story in Marketing magazine leads me to the Asda site where it has launched a series of own brand electrical items. These include an Asda DAB digital radio that sells, online at least, for the princely sum of £24.47. A DAB radio for under twenty-five quid is fine by me, and thankfully, the set…

  • Radio at the Edge: Redux

    It might have cost attendees (or their companies) cold hard cash to attend, but the audio from this year’s Radio at the Edge is now available as a series of downloads as well as a summary podcast. Entertainingly, the one session that isn’t available is the Collings and Herrin podcast which they’ve deemed “uncompliant”! Happily,…

  • INQ1

    I got invited along to the launch of a mobile phone the other day – the INQ1 (pronounced “Ink”). But just calling it a mobile phone is a bit harsh – it’s more of a communications device than anything. It comes from a new company who are looking to target people for who iPhones, Blackberrys,…