Category: Technology

  • More On Cars (And Mobile Data)

    CES has been taking place recently and one of the themes seems to have been the increased amount of sophistication in the in-car audio market. In particular Pandora is getting a lot of support from major manufacturers like Toyota and Ford. But there are plenty more besides. Last month I wrote a piece about in-car…

  • The Boss Will Be Pleased

    Google Instant really is very clever. The boss will be very pleased to see the above come up when just typing “Abs”, although that’s possibly because Google knows the kind of sites I visit. Quite what it means for SEO is truly fascinating. I suspect that there will be a lot of meetings in a…

  • Things That Have Piqued My Interest Recently

    Further proof that BBC Four is the best channel in the UK comes through a series of excellent programmes that have been on-air this week: – Storyville had YouTube Hero: The Winnebego Man starting briefly with the stories on people who made it “big” on YouTube, but highlighting the story of Jack Rebney who shot…

  • At The Front of the Queue

    Remember when you were little, and there was always the annoying kid who had everything? He was the person who’d completed their Panini sticker collection before we’d even stuck in the free pack that came with the album. He had Bigtrak or a ZX81 even when he didn’t really like computer programming? He got a…

  • The Spawn of Satan

    Sorry. I’m going to return to an evil that I’ve talked about before. What bedevilment do I mean? Why – the standard “ear buds” that come with Apple’s products. Look – I know I can sometimes moan about Apple. They have their closed systems, their sometimes bloated software (iTunes – I’m looking at you), and…

  • HTC Desire – Initial Thoughts

    I’ve got a new phone, and it runs Google’s Android OS which is a first for me. It’s an HTC Desire, and I’ve had it less than 24 hours. So these are just some intital thoughts. I previously used the company’s Nexus One phone, and essentially this is the same phone as Google’s own phone.…

  • BBC Mobile Apps

    The big news eminating from the BBC today is that they’re finally getting around to releasing some mobile applications. That’s not entirely true: the BBC has previously released other applications, such as the iPlayer for various Nokia mobile phones. But notably, it hasn’t released any applications on the mobile daddy of them all – the…

  • EBook Readers And In-Fighting

    What are we to make over the weekend’s bit of fun over at In brief, Amazon likes to charge a single price for its ebooks on the Kindle – $9.99. Macmillan, one of the biggest publishers in the US and the world, fundamentally disagrees with that philosophy. While it’s a clear and simple proposition…

  • 3D

    This afternoon, I’ll be watching Arsenal v Man Utd in 3D. No – I’m not going to one of Sky’s un-named pubs which will be showing the game in 3D – instead I’ll be in the ground. But with Avatar number one at the box office, and large numbers of exhibitors at the recent CES…

  • The iYawn – In Case You Hadn’t Heard

    Apple as a company is incredibly skillful in the way it essentially manipulates the media surrounding the launch of one of its new products. And the media justs lets itself be manipulated. Apple certainly designs beautiful products that take design in consumer electronics to the next level. And their corporate muscle has managed to open…

  • The Year of the Kindle/ebook Reader?

    Sometimes, a piece of information just doesn’t smell right. On Boxing Day this year, Amazon announced a couple of pieces of information in a release that got lots of coverage, in large part – I’d suggest – because over the holiday period, and there’s not a great deal of real news kicking around. We were…

  • Spotify Making Money?

    Yesterday’s Observer had an interesting piece on Spotify that included a little more substance about whether or not Spotify is making money. I tried to find out as much as I could about Spotify ahead of Radio at the Edge a few weeks ago, and put everything I determine into a short video. As I…

  • Sky Mobile

    For a good year or so I’ve been using Sky’s mobile service on my phones – in particular their Remote Record function that allows me to browse the Sky EPG and set my Sky+ at home to record the programme I want. But it’s not been the easiest thing to use. Not because the service…