Category: Technology

  • Why is Discovery So Poor in Amazon and Netflix?

    Over on The Medium is Not Enough, Rob Buckley notes that Amazon has quietly launched a number of new US series onto the service with hardly any publicity. And I find it particularly interesting because I really hadn’t noticed despite spending quite a few hours on Amazon over the weekend. While a lot of this…

  • Predictions 2015

    This week’s Media Podcast is full of their contributors’ predictions for 2015. Lots of websites have lots of predictions, but for whatever reason, I’ve never bothered doing something like in the past. But why would I let that stop me? So I’ve put together a list of some things that I think might happen in…

  • 19,013 Songs

    That is what it says on my Google Play Music account. 19,013 songs. Look, I realise that all the cool kids are renting their music on Spotify. It might not actually make any money, but it’s so much more convenient paying £10 a month and having access to all your music. Except when the album…

  • My Nexus 5 Battery Woes

    I couldn’t put a precise tome on it, but at some point in the late summer or early autumn, the battery performance of my Nexus 5 fell off a cliff. I’m not an unreasonable phone user. My phone tends to get a bit of action on the commute to work, as I listen to some…

  • When Are Casio, Timex or Rolex Making a Smartwatch?

    Another day, another over-excited consumer goods release. Most others use trade shows. Apple does its own thing. It works for them. Fine. I can’t comment on the phone updates as I’ve not really seen anything that interesting or novel in any phone I’ve seen announced recently. Certainly nothing to make me think that my Nexus…

  • On DAB and Five Live

    It was a really interesting day for radio today with several important announcements. Of most interest to me was the formal announcement of the advertisement for a second national DAB multiplex. You may remember that back in 2007, this multiplex was previously advertised with Channel 4 winning it ahead of NGW the transmission supplier (since…

  • Podcasting – What Next?

    Tomorrow evening, there’s a Radio Academy event taking place in London looking at podcasting. As I’ve written previously, you always feel that podcasting is the perennial bridesmaid and never the bride in the digital media, and digital audio world. I suppose I’ve been thinking a little more about it recently because one of my favourite…

  • Future Thinking and Unthinking

    A couple of big US tech firms made some big announcements today. Amazon will get the lion’s share of attention for its new Amazon Fire Phone. Essentially it’s a mini version of their Kindle Fire, using their forked version of Android, but with a phone. The big excitement is that it’s 3D. Well all phones…

  • Uploading Large eBooks to Amazon’s Cloud

    A bit of a ramble, but in short – does anyone know how to get large files (over 25MB) into the Amazon Kindle Library aside from via email? Read on for the detail… If there’s one thing that’s for certain, it’s that buying eBooks on Amazon is very easy. It could be easier – they’ve…

  • Installing Plex Media Server

    Note: Just to be clear – I’ve installed Plex on a DS210j and not a DS214se. This is going to be a bit dry, but it may or may not help others. I now have a couple of Synology NAS drives. I first bought a DS210j about two or three years ago when I started…

  • Wireless Charging

    A few days ago I needed to “juice” my phone, and actually chose to sit in the Sacred Café part of Stanfords in Covent Garden because it had a healthy selection of power sockets under the counter. But as I sat down with my tea, and was about to root around for a charger that…

  • TV Apps’ Shortcomings

    You know when something should be easy but it just isn’t? Well this is what I often find with apps on smart TVs and other devices. They’re just there to try us. While they function adequately for normal use, it’s those edge cases where they break. Here are two examples. Last weekend, I decided I’d…

  • Blaze Laserlight – A First Look

    Back in November 2012, I backed my first Kickstarter project – the Blaze Bike Light – and today it arrived fresh from manufacture in China. Blaze Laserlight – A First Look from Adam Bowie on Vimeo. Now known as the Blaze Laserlight, its description basically explains what it does. It’s a regular bike light with…