Category: Science

  • Colossus Rebuilt

    Good to see that Bletchley Park have finished rebuilding the Colussus Mk2. Must revisit Bletchley soon…

  • Psychic Nonsense

    Living TV is making a very good living with all it’s “psychic” nonsense. This weekend was “paranormal weekend” with such shows as Street Psychic, 6th Sense with Colin Fry, and The Antiques Ghost Show (which I thought was a made up name when I first read it), as well as such American fare as Crossing…

  • Iceland Whaling Again

    Sadly Iceland have restarted whaling. Frankly, even if there are more minke whales alive than are stricly necessary to keep the species alive (a great state of affairs!), that doesn’t take away from the fact that they die a cruel and painful death. I should start supporting the WDCS again.

  • Science Books

    There are few interesting books on this Aventis Science Books Award shortlist. In particular Small World looks interesting.

  • More DNA

    Lots of DNA news happening at the moment. As I said, I’ve just started the Rosalind Franklin biography, someone I’ve been interested in ever since I saw Life Story back in 1987. There’s also the small fact that it’s the 50th anniversary of the discovery of the makeup of DNA. The full model has just…

  • Homeopathic Nonsense

    Yesterday’s Guardian also published an article about whether homeopathic medicines do any good. But the story goes around in circles. It first reports the story that something called armica doesn’t work, and mentions the Horizon from last year which dismissed homeopathic claims. And yet after all that, the author’s still too scared to really go…

  • Columbia

    Tragically the Space Shuttle Columbia was lost on Saturday, and the inevitable recrimonations have begun. There have been the inevitable calls for the termination of the manned space programme. But this seems unduly reactionary, and one hopes that the accident will be carefully studied and any mistakes made, remedied. Overall the Shuttle has proved to…

  • Tomorrow’s World

    Tragically, Tomorrow’s World has been cancelled by the BBC. This is a terrible state of affairs, leaving no popular science programmes on mainstream terrestrial television. We have hour long specials with Horizon on BBC2, and that’s about it. We’re told that the programme name will remain for specials, but the problem with these is that…