Category: Research

  • RAJAR Q1 2018

    As ever, this post is brought to you in association with RALF from DP Software and Services. I’ve used RALF for the past 9 years, and it’s my favourite RAJAR analysis tool. So I am delighted that I continue to be able to bring you this RAJAR analysis in association with RALF. For more details…

  • Polling and the Scottish Referendum

    What an interesting few weeks it has been for poll-watching. I say that from my London perspective. Obviously north of the border, this is a debate that has been running for years now, and us southerners have only really woken up to it recently. In particular, we woke up to it following a Sunday Times…

  • Some Media Reading

    There have been a few reports, publications and press releases recently that are worth highlighting. The BBC has published its latest monthly iPlayer Performance Pack detailing results for July 2010. I always find this is worth a read. It’s interesting to note that requests for BBC iPlayer dipped a bit during both June and July.…

  • Social Networking Statistics Reporting

    A couple of weeks ago Ofcom published its annual Communications Market Report which nicely distils lots of UK media research into one place (albeit a 334 page “place”). The report noted that social networking is “growing more slowly than previously.” This isn’t perhaps all that surprising since at some point services like Facebook run out…

  • BARB Changes Afoot

    An interesting piece in Media Guardian this morning about some forthcoming changes to TV ratings from BARB. I look forward to reading a bit more detail about how exactly they’ll be able to monitor these new programme streams.

  • 4.7bn Watched The Olympics?

    Neilsen Media Research – a fine media research company who I have contracts with via my employer – has released details of a story suggesting that 4.7bn people watched at least some of the Olympic coverage last month. That’s out of a rough estimate of 6.6bn for the planet’s population. I’m always deeply suspicious of…

  • Musical Tastes and Personality

    A friend of mine pointed me towards this story based on some research that suggests that your musical tastes are linked to your personality. I think she took exception to the idea that “heavy metal fans are gentle.” Obviously, making broad genearlisations like that is nonsense, but I wanted to learn a little more about…