Category: Radio Times

  • Christmas Eve 2015 – Radio Times

    You’re with friends and family. But what to watch or listen to? You know how I love to help out anyone who isn’t sure what’s worth your time. So here is my regular helpful guide to what to watch over the period, presented via the medium of an annotated Radio Times. (Click here to see…

  • Radio Times – Boxing Day 2014

    One final festive dose of what to watch, and what not to watch (IMHO). As ever, if you can’t read my scrawl, then try a bigger version.

  • Radio Times – 25 December 2014

    Happy Christmas! Here are some of your viewing – and listening – guides for today. If you can’t read this on your screen, click here. Here are your radio choices! Large version here. My Radio Times collection…

  • Radio Times – 24 December 2014

    I know what you’re thinking. It’s Christmas again, and I’ve no idea what to watch on television. I know that there’s loads on, but how do I sort the good stuff from the bad? Well fear not. I’m back for with a few holiday suggestions. (In case you didn’t know, I’ve done this before.) As…

  • Radio Times 23 August 2014

    It’s been a while… Now is there something special to watch on TV tonight? Perhaps at 7.50pm on BBC1? Let me be your guide. As ever look at the full size version to see the detail.

  • Radio Times – 26 December 2013

    The worst sitcom on British television somehow managed to achieve the unthinkable yesterday, becoming the most watched programme of Christmas Day. We can but hope that once PVR and on demand is added in, something else knocks it off the top. Anything! If you’re the sort of person who watches Mrs Brown’s Boys, then at…

  • Radio Times – Christmas Day 2013

    Here’s my sort-of-annual guide to what’s on TV and radio on Christmas Day – as seen through the pages of my annotated Radio Times (as very slightly featured in #6 on this Buzzfeed list). Click on the pictures below to go fullscreen. Flickr has changed the way they do things recently, and that’ll take you…

  • Radio Times 28th September 2013 – 90th Anniversary Special!

    Well it’s the 90th Anniversary of the Radio Times which you can’t fail to have noticed. And I’ve not done one of these for a while. But to be honest, this is just a standard takedown of a night of TV. As ever, it’s best viewed large.

  • Radio Times 13 April 2013

    Because I’ve not done one of these for ages. And because it’s the battle of the reality shows starting tonight as The Voice and Britain’s Got Talent go head to head. So here’s a new Radio Times scan to help you decide what to watch this evening. As ever, best viewed large for snarky comments.

  • Radio Times – 26 December 2012

    As a special extra treat (!), I’ve added Boxing Day to this year’s annotated Radio Times pages. OK. The rest of the family was watching Downton, and it leaves me a little cold. I suspect that personally, I’ll be catching up with the thing I’m most looking forward to – The Girl – on iPlayer…

  • Radio Times – 25 December 2012

    My very occasional suggestions of what to watch on radio and television this Christmas. As ever – these are best viewed large (radio, TV) so that you can read my comments. A very happy Christmas to everyone who reads this blog!

  • Radio Times – 25 June 2012

    It’s been a while since I’ve done one of these, so as a tenth birthday special, here’s a new one. As ever, best viewed large.

  • Radio Times – 25 December 2011

    It’s Christmas! I hope you’re having a happy one. One thing I suspect that you might be doing is watching some TV today. So – if you haven’t been given too many comedy DVDs or boxsets that you want to tuck into straight away – what do the main channels hold in store? As ever,…