Category: Politics

  • 75% Cut In Oil Imports By 2025

    It’s suddenly struck me how Bush might be thinking that US can cut its oil imports so significantly by 2025. If Iran becomes the 51st state, then its oil won’t count as imported. Simple. Of course, by 2025 we’ll be so short of oil, that imports will be cut by the shear expediency of the…

  • Government Defeated in Lords Over ID Card

    Great news.

  • Happy New Year From The RMT’s Bob Crow

    Yes, while Crow suns himself in Egypt, anyone who has to cross London to get to or from a New Year’s Party is out of luck. You might be able to use a train, and there are always buses, but the strike goes on. I’m pretty reasonable about strikes. If I think the union’s have…

  • Airline Style Security Checks At Stations

    The Heathrow Express is both a good and a bad thing. Bad, simply because it’s expensive. Good, because it gets you very rapidly from central London (well Paddington) to Heathrow. But with security checks in place it’s going to take a bit longer to reach Heathrow, and some of the speed advantage of the system…

  • “Not In My Name”

    On Tuesday, The Sun ran a front page showing the picture of a bloodied bomb victim from the July London bombings alongside the headline: “Terror Laws: Tell Tony He’s Right”. Except that the man who appeared on that cover, bloody and bandaged is one John Tulloch. And those certainly aren’t his words or feelings. Read…

  • The Power Of Nightmares: The Movie

    It’s being re-edited to be shown as a film at Cannes!

  • Shock Horror

    The Sun’s backed Blair for this election which is not remotely unexpected. So I was disappointed to hear it given such import on the news this morning. The Sun only back winners, and in a two horse race, they’re not going 50-1 outsider. What would have happened if The Sun had backed Howard and Blair…

  • Party Manifestos

    In 2005, it seems to me that getting access to party manifestos during an election should be pretty straightforward. Just download them in an accessible and easy to use format that’s cross platform. Adobe’s PDF format would seem to be the choice to make. And most party’s have used it, with one very notable, and…

  • Goodbye Civil Liberties

    It was nice knowing you. From now on, if you’re Muslim, you’re going to get stopped and searched much more. Hazel Blears, the minister responsible for counter-terrorism, said so. (I’d say, don’t take it personally, but it is personal). As many have said, we can quite confidentally admit defeat to Osama Bin Ladin. He has…

  • Boris on ID Cards

    I know we mostly think of him as the loveable fool who’s hosted a couple of Have I Got News For Yous, but sometimes he speaks incredibly good sense for a Tory. His stance on ID cards is one of those times. We can now only hope that there are members of the upper house…

  • Illegal Immigrants

    Help! We’re being overrun by illegal immigrants. I know this to be true because both Mr Blair and Mr Howard are saying so. They’re all coming through the tunnel or something. And they’re over-running the country like the aliens in Invasion of the Body Snatchers. For goodness’ sake, don’t go downloading the Government’s own statistics…

  • What I Can Do If Attacked

    Thank goodness that the government have published their advice on what I can and cannot do should I be attacked in my own home! I recommend downloading the PDF and pinning it up somewhere so that you can regularly consult it. I certainly needed to know what the definition of “reasonable force” is. For example,…

  • Thirty Years Later

    It seems that Roy Jenkins wasn’t a fan of ID Cards. At the time it was being discussed as a way to combat Irish terrorist atrocities. Just replace “Irish” for “Islamic Fundamentalist” and see what difference it all really makes.