Category: Politics

  • ID Cards

    Get over to Stand to register your interest in ID Cards. The Home Office seem to think that everyone wants them and their consultation is nearly up. Tell them what you think.

  • Causa Belli

    Latin still has so much to offer us. Today the poet laureate, Andrew Motion, published a new poem on the front page of The Guardian. “Causa Belli” translates as “causes, motives or pretexts of war”: CAUSA BELLI by Andrew Motion They read good books, and quote, but never learn a language other than the scream…

  • Damned if he does, damned if he doesn’t…

    So let me just see if I have this straight. If Saddam has weapons of mass destruction, the US can invade. And if he doesn’t, then he’s lying and we can invade. Hmm. Unsurprisingly he says he hasn’t.

  • Set up for a War with Saddam

    Robert Fish argues in The Independent, that we’re being suckered into going to war. Very persuasive arguement too – look out for the “drubbing” of UN inspectors to determine when we’re likely to see the war.

  • Michael Moore Live

    Just got back from The Roundhouse in Camden where I saw Michael Moore Live. I know that I seem to be harping on about Michael Moore quite a lot at the moment, but you just can’t escape from the man right now. Bowling for Columbine opened properly this weekend, his book Stupid White Men is…

  • Disappointing night

    Well it looks like the Republicans are going to have an easy ride for the next couple of years, with a reasonably good win in last night’s mid-terms. Let’s just hope that the Democrats can come up with a credible candidate in time for the election in 2004. Isn’t it about now that those with…

  • Politics

    I think I’m on some kind of politics “kick” at the moment. I don’t know whether it’s because I watched three episodes of The West Wing at the weekend (catching up – and discovering that if I record the late night repeat on E4, I get it commercial free), just reading about IDS and the…