Category: Politics

  • Robin Cook’s Speech

    Well the speech was published by Hansard today. Here’s the text: 17 Mar 2003 9.44 pm Mr. Robin Cook (Livingston): This is the first time for 20 years that I have addressed the House from the Back Benches. I must confess that I had forgotten how much better the view is from here. None of…

  • Robin Cook’s Resignation Speech

    I spent this evening mainly watching TV news and current affairs coverage. By far the best part of this was Robin Cook’s resignation speech in the commons just before 10.00pm. It was political dynamite, that received a remarkable standing ovation from some members of the House at the end. I’m going to find a link…

  • Iraq Update

    Well Robin Cook has indeed resigned – I look forward to hearing his statement later on this evening. Will Clare Short follow soon?

  • Iraq

    The situation gets worse. They’ve called for the evacuation of all the weapons inspectors, and everyone seems to think that the war will start at 2am (or thereabouts) on Wednesday morning. Needless to say, there hasn’t been a second UN resolution, and there’s an emergency cabinet meeting later on today. Will Clare Short and Robin…

  • Two great banners seen yesterday in LA: Wrap This Administration in Duct Tape and Plastic Somewhere in Texas, a village has lost its idiot

  • Gulf War 2 – The Game

    This is fantastic!

  • The Photos

    Here they are. Click on them for larger versions:

  • A Busy Day

    So it was quite a dilemma for me! Arsenal meeting Man Utd at Old Trafford in the FA Cup while in London the big march was taking place today. I decided to watch the match at work. I didn’t reach Oxford Circus until about 11.30, and it was becoming obvious that there were quite a…

  • War In Iraq

    Things are getting serious now. France, Germany and Russia are dead against the war, and Nato is teetering with France, Germany and Belgium blocking the use of bases in Turkey for attacking Iraq. Meantime, papers like The Evening Standard, The Sun and the Daily Mail accuse France of betrayal since the US helped free France…

  • The Story of the Dossier

    Some embarrassment for the government in the last 24 hours. On Monday, the government published another dossier detailing attempts that the Iraqis are said to have made to hide their weapons of mass destruction. Well last night it turns out that this document was something of a cut and paste job based on a graduate…

  • The Story of the Dossier

    Some embarrassment for the government in the last 24 hours. On Monday, the government published another dossier detailing attempts that the Iraqis are said to have made to hide their weapons of mass destruction. Well last night it turns out that this document was something of a cut and paste job based on a graduate…

  • Colin Powell Presents His Case

    Well Colin Powell has been spending time at the UN presenting the US case for why Iraq should be invaded this very second. I want to see some thorough analysis of this presentation – and presentation it was with lots of graphics and audio clips. There were even some mock-ups of what a mobile chemical…

  • Blair Defending Al-Qaeda Claims

    Now this is something I simply don’t understand. Tony Blair is reported today to still be insisting that the Iraqi regime is somehow (and this is undefined) linked to Al-Qaeda. Now maybe I’m missing something enormously obvious here, but despite Saddam eveninig saying himself in yesterday’s interview, that he’s not linked with them (and if…