Category: Politics

  • My Fellow Americans

    I really don’t read Carl Hiaasen enough!

  • WMD

    Another great report this morning on the Today programme, detailing some of the serious doubts being aired over Iraq’s having Weapons of Mass Destruction. The security services are still leaking that they were unhappy with the publicity being given to the so called mobile biological laboratories, and there seem to have been a number of…

  • Corriere della Sera

    Last Thursday, the Italian newspaper’s editor resigned “for personal reasons” in what was seen as a political decision from Berlusconi. Today, the paper doesn’t appear on the streets of Italy, but does seem to appear on the web.

  • Government Screws Us Again

    The ID Card fiasco continues with the Government claiming that all the responses sent via Stand were considered to be one response. See here and here. Here is my own response to my MP. Dear Ms Joan Ryan, I’m enormously disappointed to learn that feedback that I gave in my own capacity to the Home…

  • Tony Benn

    So Geoff and I went to see Tony Benn speak this evening at an event supporting the publication of a of his. The talk – well more a discussion – was at the Conway Hall in Holborn, a real old-school political debating centre. The turn out was reasonable and a very sprightly Benn spoke…

  • Iraq: the Aftermath

    So not only do we now have Rumsfeld saying that there may not have been any weapons of mass destruction at the start of the war but, unsurprisingly, it turns out that the Iraq document that Blair presented to the Commons, was ever so slightly spun, and the security services are still rather upset that…

  • Sugar

    Well I used a tablespoon and a half of it today in my (very successful) first attempt at breadmaking, but I need to ensure that I don’t let sugar exceed 10% of my diet according to a new report published jointly by the WHO and the FAO. This report has incensed the US sugar industry…

  • So the Censorship Begins

    Good to hear that censorship is alive and kicking, as Al-Jazeera are kicked out of the New York Stock Exchange.

  • War Imminent

    It seems as though war will begin within the next few hours. There was something of a sandstorm earlier, but as well as causing problems, it might also be the cover they want. Not even the prospect of a cheap PDA from Amazon can lighten the mood. How quickly will the Americans clamp down on…

  • Clare Short… again

    Well tomorrow’s Daily Mirror has Clare Short on the cover alongside the headline “Revolting”. I really don’t see that she’s done herself any good today. Meanwhile Blair’s won all the votes he was after although it was never likely he’d lose them – particularly with the support of the oppposition.

  • Clare Short

    She’s been defending herself about her u-turn, in an interview with Andrew Marr. Personally I don’t think her argument stacks up. I can’t say that I particularly liked Robin Cook before all this, while Clare Short seemed to wear her heart on her sleeve. Yet now the tables are reversed, and it’s Cook who comes…

  • Big Day in Parliament

    I must admit that first thing this morning (or was it last thing last night?), I set the video to record a large amount of today’s Parliament Channel output. As I type, Charles Kennedy is speaking in the Commons, with the debate having been under way for about 90 minutes. As I said before, last…

  • What’s Clare Short Up To?

    She’s decided to stay in the government. Surely she’s totally lost all her credibility. Does she think that she can help from within? You can’t very publicly threaten to resign and then not do it. Lord Hunt of Kings Heath has quit today, but she stays on. This piece from BBC News Online speculates as…