Category: Politics

  • Vendetta Against Gilligan Turns To Tragedy

    Well it looks as though the ridiculous mole-hunting of BBC correspondent Andrew Gilligan’s source within the MOD or Security Services from which he made “sexed up” report claims, has lead to tragedy. David Kelly earlier this week was questioned by the Commons foreign affairs select committee, but whether he was actually Gilligan’s source remains to…

  • The British Film Industry – Alexander Walker

    Today’s Evening Standard carried a large tribute section to Alexander Walker today. When I got home this evening, I flicked around looking for something to watch and stumbled upon Alex on the BBC Parliament channel. They were showing coverage of the Culture Media and Sport committee from Tuesday 17 June at which Alexander Walker was…

  • ID Cards Once More

    Well the Sunday Times reported last weekend that everyone in the UK is have to carry an ID card and will have to pay 39 pounds for the privilige! I’m sure that the story is phrased in as rabble-rousing a manner as possible, since I can’t see for the life of me that people will…

  • Puttnam

    I’m so pleased to see that Lord Puttnam is still keeping up his stand on the Communications Act.

  • Berlusconi

    Berlusconi really doesn’t mess around does he. Unsurprisingly, he’s not all that popular around much of Europe and so didn’t get quite the reception he would have wanted at the European Parliament. But causing a major diplomatic incident on day two of his presidency was certainly going it some. I think we’ve been fairly quiet…

  • Spam

    It’s this kind of story that really annoys me about spam. Yes it’s terrible. Yes children should not be seeing it. Yes ISPs, when asked, should have some kind of spam filtering available. But, no, it’s not the ISPs fault. I get pissed off with marketing phone calls, but I don’t directly blame BT. Someone…

  • Alistair Campbell v BBC

    Well this story just goes on and on, and I really don’t like it. I watched the Channel 4 News interview via the net (being otherwise engaged on Friday night). The story runs and runs, and I really hope that the BBC stay with it. The government should not be dictating the stories that the…

  • Communications Bill

    I can’t believe that the government have been so stupid over this bill. Yesterday, the Lords massively defeated the government.

  • Communications Bill

    There was a fantastic piece by Steve Barnett in yesterday’s Observer talking about the forthcoming Communications Bill, and the various parts of it that the government simply haven’t been able to defend so far. I really do hope that the House of Lords sort the government out over this. This coming week should really sort…

  • Entitlement Cards: The Follow Up

    Well no sooner do I blog, than things happen (unless our proxy is really misbehaving). First of all, I note that on Wednesday, in response to a question from “Mr Bailey” asking a question about when the analysis of the consultation on entitlement cards will be complete, Beverley Hughes from the Home Office responded that…

  • Hansard is slow…

    Well so much for Hansard’s claim that they update the previous day’s contents at 8.00am the following day. It’s nearly quarter to three in the afternoon, and I still can’t see any of yesterday’s reports!

  • We Oppose ID Cards Afterall

    The governement’s admitted that the public response to the ID card scheme was largely anti their introduction. They’ve finally decided that the 5,000 emails sent via the Stand website should be counted individually. But according to the BBC article they’re still being reluctant in saying what’s going to happen next. Watch this space.

  • Honourable Deceit

    This seems to be the phrase of the moment. The Independent today gives over its front page to a story detailing the alleged deception; that Tony Blair did deliberately mislead the public over the likelihood that Iraq had weapons of mass destruction. Yesterday Robin Cook and Clare Short spoke out about how the country was…