Category: Politics

  • Tories Don’t Want To Shut BBCi Down – Just Review It

    Ah. So that’s OK then. Anyone might otherwise think that the swiftest 180 degrees turn ever had just taken place.

  • Al Franken Interview

    A nice piece on Salon interviewing Al Franken about his recent “run-in” with Fox News. It’s also interesting to read a little about the progression of the “liberal” talk radio network that’s being set up. I assume that this is the same project that Fi Glover left Radio 5 to write a book about.

  • ID Card Pilot

    So where abouts is the small market town where they’re going to test ID cards? I don’t suppose that it’ll take too long to find out. More civil liberties disappear…

  • Tories Would Shut Down BBC Website

    Well how about that? The Tories would close down the BBCi website and BBC Three according to a story on Mediaguardian. That’s the way to make yourself popular with the voters. Shut down the fourth most visited internet site in the world. Why should we get the BBC News free? It seems a crime that…

  • Commandante

    Nice piece about Oliver Stone’s forthcoming film about Fidel Casto, Commandante which has so far not been shown by HBO (yup – the same channel I was praising earlier). Stone was railing against possible media censorship if Americans are allowed in to buy British media concerns. With any luck the documentary will finally appear with…

  • Fox News Lose

    Tragically, Fox News lost their case!

  • Hutton Inquiry Website

    Full marks for putting up an official Hutton Inquiry website. Poor marks for making it so rubbish – particularly the frames nonsense with the evidence. Fortunately we now have it reversioned by Matthew Somerville.

  • Blogdex stuff

    Looking down the page at my RSS feed of blogdex, to see what other people are talking about, I see that some Weekly Standard article is having a bit of a go at the BBC about its coverage of the war. I’m kind of loathed to link to it since it just chucks it further…

  • Fair and Balanced

    I like to think that my blog is fair and balanced (via Gia).

  • Agricultural Subsidies

    When Coldplay were on stage on Saturday at the V Festival, all the TV close-ups clearly showed the phrase “Make Trade Fair” on the side of Chris Martin’s piano, and also written on his hands. He’s a massive advocate of campaign’s such as Oxfam’s. The Guardian has started a new blog today which is solely…

  • The Hutton Inquiry

    The Hutton Inquiry is underway, and it has a website. The evidence so far is interesting. It’s difficult to see which way it’ll go.

  • Gerald Kaufman

    I know that they do it on purpose, but today’s Broadcast (no direct link to the story since they’re subscription only) has a piece by Mr Kaufman once again banging on about how the BBC have handled the David Kelly mess badly. His main issue is that the BBC talked about an “intelligence source”, and…

  • David Kelly Affair Rumbles On

    Well Sunday arrives and now it seems that the blame is being placed on the BBC. The only big defence of the BBC I’ve seen was a vehement one from Rod Liddle, ex-Today editor until fairly recently. All this nonsense about sources is pathetic and not worthy of a reply, but it worries me when…