Category: Politics

  • Michael Moore and the White House

    I realise that Michael Moore can be a master of the ever-so slight over-exaggeration, but it’s still pretty interesting to hear where the pressure is coming from to prevent the distribution of his new film.

  • ID Cards Trial

    Blunkett continues to push for these stupid ID cards, and now has a trial underway with 10,000 volunteers. Exactly what a trial with volunteers is going to prove I don’t know? I daresay that there won’t be too many terrorists or illegal immigrants rushing to queue up for this. So what can we expect? Well…

  • Politician Idol

    I suppose it’s unfair to criticise a programme that hasn’t even been transmitted yet, but I’m with Tony Benn and Alistair Campbell on ITV’s new Pop-Idol type programme with politicians. Obviously there are strict electoral laws about TV or Radio backing one side (I should know, our station was reprimanded very severely when Chris Evans…

  • ID Card Bill “Within Four Weeks”

    Brilliant. It seems that the terrorist attacks in Madrid make it necessary.

  • ID Cards Rear Their Head Again

    Of course we need ID cards now. That’s obvious isn’t it? I mean with all the potential terrorists being picked up and arrested all over the place, ID cards are the way forward. Could someone please explain how ID cards would help? Will they have “terrorist” encoded somewhere in the electronic chip so that we…

  • Terrorists – They’re Everywhere

    Would you want to live in a country where they could arrest you, lock you up, and never put you on trial for any offense? Or maybe if there was a trial, it’d be before a single judge and held secretly? Welcome to the UK under Blunkett. Incidentally, would Lord Hutton have been one of…

  • Top Up Fees

    The other day I didn’t know for certain which way my MP, Joan Ryan, had voted over these fees. Well now I do. She was a teller for this vote. And why does she have this job? Because she’s a whip. So there’s no danger of my local MP ever going against Tony then is…

  • Another Tin of Whitewash

    Whitewash by Jonathan Freedland from Thursday’s Guardian.

  • Another One Bites The Dust

    So Gilligan joins Dyke and Davies on the list. Meanwhile, Campbell aside, everyone in the government hunkers down and stays put. I just have one question. When are they going to paint the front of number 10 with Whitewash?

  • Dyke

    Frankly I’m shocked and disappointed in no small way that Greg Dyke has resigned from the DG of the BBC. It really is a tragic day when he feels he has to do this. I totally support the BBC throughout this “affair” (and I use the term in the loosest possible manner). Frankly, the Hutton…

  • Moore on Desertion

    Michael Moore’s worth reading on the Bush being a “deserter”. This election’s getting heated. Still, you can go to Amazon and contribute!

  • 5 Votes

    So he’s scraped through. This can still be defeated though, and I think worse is to come tomorrow. At the time of writing, opinion seems to be in one direction. 71 Labour MPs opposed the vote, somewhat fewer than those listed this morning on the front of The Independent. They had 77 committed, and 20…

  • Industry and Protectionism

    Two emails in my spam-cluttered inbox this morning raised some interesting problems that I find hard to break down. First Robert X Cringley’s weekly piece for PBS. He’s talking in the main about US jobs leaving those shores and heading to places like India or other developing countries, where costs are lower. This is illustrated…