Category: Politics

  • Why ID Cards Are Bad…

    Check out this animation from the States! (Link from Infinite Ideas Machine)

  • ID Cards Criticised

    The report of the Home Office Select Committee is published today (PDF), and they report that plans are “badly thought out”. I need to spend a bit of time reading the report this weekend and then see what needs to be done next.

  • Democratic Convention

    I note that the Democratic Convention is being covered live on BBC Parliament through the night, with the unspun CSPAN coverage. I fell asleep before Clinton came on however!

  • Outfoxed

    Outfoxed: Rupert Murdoch’s War on Journalism looks very interesting. Read about how it was made here.

  • Clinton Autobiography

    With his autobiography due out tomorrow, the PR machine is in full flow. So yesterday there was a big article in The Observer about Clinton’s post-Presidential life. Then today, The Guardian had an interview with the man himself, while tomorrow Panorama (who had a great programme last night on the superdollar) sees David Dimbleby get…

  • ID Card Secrecy “Slammed”

    This sounds very encouraging. Looking forward to seeing the verbatims from the latest session.

  • Mistaken Identity Report

    Mistaken Identity at the The Old Theatre, London School of Economics – 19 May 2004 So here finally, are my notes from Mistaken Identity, which was described as a public meeting on the proposed national identity card. Note that I can’t do shorthand, and if I’ve misquoted anyone, or misinterpreted the points that they were…

  • Fahrenheit 9/11 Wins Palm d’Or

    Michael Moore’s won at Cannes!

  • Mistaken Identity

    A BBC News report from the meeting the other day. When I get a chance, I’ll link to other reports, and still plan on putting my own comprehensive notes up. In the meantime, here’s someone else’s notes from the meeting. Might I also recommend reading Peter Williamson of The Law Society’s address (PDF). He was…

  • Mistaken Identity

    The meeting today was exceptional, and I’ll try to type up my notes forthwith.

  • Mistaken Identity

    I’m going along to this on Wednesday afternoon – taking time off work to get there in fact. The government has introduced draft legislation for a national identity card. The card system will cost at least �3 billion and is likely to become an essential part of life for everyone residing in the UK. If…

  • Fahrenheit 9/11

    The reviews of Michael Moore’s new film are beginning to trickle out, and I’m looking forward to the forthcoming British release (rubbish site that hasn’t been updated for a couple of months – great if you’re a film distributor!). In the meantime, the Americans are still saying that they’re going to hand power back to…

  • Rumsfeld

    The clock has got to be ticking on Donald Rumsfeld hasn’t it?