Category: Photography

  • States of Mind

    States of Mind from Adam Bowie on Vimeo. From the Ann Veronica Janssens exhibition at the Wellcome Collection last year, yellowbluepink.

  • Recent Photos – Norfolk

  • Photography Page

    I’ve been redesigning my Photography page to be a bit more contemporary, but still based around Flickr, because that’s the most convenient place to store my photographs. I’ve used a WordPress plugin called Justified Image Grid which seems to do the trick quite well and has lots of flexibility for pulling in photos from other…

  • Lumiere London

    The world and their mum seemed to be in London over the weekend for Lumiere London. I had planned to try to get around the whole thing in one evening, but large crowds and a need to be in King’s Cross by 8pm meant I only saw a subset of it on Thursday night. By…

  • Boxing Day Sunrise

  • MC Escher and Lee Miller

    Last weekend saw me visiting a couple of exhibitions that don’t really have a great deal in common – although both artists will have been vaguely contemporaries – but are both of interest. The Amazing World of MC Escher is said to be the first every exhibition of Escher’s work in the UK. The exhibition…

  • Lunar Eclipse

    I saw a Tweet yesterday that essentially blamed a continuous stream of “once-in-a-lifetime” astronomical events as all being Brian Cox’s fault. An amusing conceit. I suspect it’s really that we’re a little more aware of our surroundings in the solar system these days. Anyway, last night was a lunar eclipse that coincided with a so-called…

  • Tour of Britain 2015 – Stage 8

    The Tour of Britain ended this year as it usually does, with a circuit race around central London. But there was a new circuit this year, with the race heading more into the West End than it has previously. The crowds looked good, and although it was hard to follow the race, I later learned…

  • Light

    While I was in Ghent, I visited the Lightism exhibition, and took some photos. And here is the whole set (link):

  • Ghent

    Earlier in the year I visited Ghent and took some photos… And because it looks like Flickr has updated how you can embed albums, here’s the whole set (link here too):

  • Folk by the Oak 2015

    I think the relaxed atmosphere and great music makes Folk by the Oak in the grounds of Hatfield House my favourite festival. And with both The Unthanks and Bellowhead on the bill this year, it was unmissable. Here are a few photos I took of this year’s event, with more over on Flickr.

  • Wells

    Taken a few months ago now.

  • Chapeau Chris Froome!