Category: Photography

  • At The Top of the BT Tower

    This evening I was invited to a presentation at the BT Tower, followed by a dinner at the top of the tower in their famous revolving restaurant. This is closed to the public, and it was exciting to get a chance to go up there. Sadly, today probably wasn’t the best day to go up.…

  • Photography Is Not A Crime

    Following on from Stephen Colbert’s humourous take on public photography in the, there’s slightly more distrurbing news in the British Journal of Photography (via Boing Boing). There are far too many cases of law enforcement officials wrongly stopping members of the public from taking photographs. We don’t yet live in a police state.

  • Colbert Report on the Evil that is Photography

    The Colbert ReportMon – Thurs 11:30pm / 10:30c Nailed ‘Em – Amtrak Photographer Colbert Report Full EpisodesPaul McCartney Appearance Funny Political VideosMore Funny Videos Via Thomas Hawk / Jack Schofield on the Twitters / and, er, watching The Colbert Report on FX in the UK.

  • Snow Stops Everything

    Today saw an entirely expected and predicted fall of snow, and just what chaos it caused. Many tube lines were shut down. Seemingly, most of the rail lines going south from London were shut down. And most appallingly, the entire bus network was shut down. There wasn’t a red bus in London to be caught…

  • Chris Martin

    (Needs to be seen large) Lots of live streaming (now over obviously) of Chris Martin from Coldplay at work. Strictly speaking, I shouldn’t have been taking photos, but I was standing behind non-performing band members, and couldn’t really resist. Most of the other photos have him gurning or are otherwise unlikely to be cleared by…

  • Welney

    I went to Welney today, and apart from discovering that a simple five mile cycle from Littleport station took far more out of an unfit me than it should have done, I took dozens of photos. This is possibly my favourite, but there’ll be more appearing over at p.

  • Have You Got Any Christmas Presents You Don’t Want?

    There’s a shop in Berwick Street that can help…

  • Lucia

    I took some photos of Lucia yesterday in the London Swedish Church. You can see the rest of them here. The bloke next to me took some better ones.

  • Photographic Exhibitions

    Over on the BBC News website, they have an audio slideshow with Eamonn McCabe detailing what he’s found out in his Writer’s Room project. Over the last couple of years McCabe has been busily photographing the rooms in which novels are written. They’ve been published in the Guardian Review, and are now the subject of…

  • Photos

    The Boston Globe’s “The Big Picture” is a fantastic that I visit everytime it’s updated. They’ve got some stunning photos of Obama taken over the last few weeks. The shots in the rain are awesome. F11 to maximise and then J and K to navigate. (A few photographers really need to clean their lenses/sensors though!)

  • Early Morning Sun

  • Rankin and Oxfam

    The Today Programme website has a great audio slideshow from photographer Rankin who’s been out to a camp in the Democratic Republic of Congo with Oxfam to photograph some of the people who live there. There are some fabulous photos which have been taken in a very different way to how you’d normally see such…

  • This Is War! Robert Capa At Work

    There’s a fabulous new exhibition of the work of celebrated war photographer Robert Capa currently on display at The Barbican. It features, in detail, several key events that Capa covered from the Spanish Civil War through D-Day to the end of the war. Alongside Capa’s work, we also have that of his partner, Gerda Taro,…