Category: Photography

  • Published Photography

    At the weekend in The Observer, John Naughton wrote a column about photography in this day and age. He noted that in this day and age when many of us have access to exceptional photographic equipment (cameras just keep getting better – even the cheapest ones), and with billions of photos being placed online on…

  • Dawn on Easter Saturday

    I got up early this morning and took a few photos of the cliffs at Beeston Hill, Sheringham, Norfolk. Locals erect a cross on the top of the hill on Good Friday. See the full set is here.

  • Amy MacDonald

    Amy MacDonald played a set in London’s Hard Rock Café for Absolute Radio earlier this evening. The set, promoting a new album, was great and should be going out on-air next Monday. In the meantime, even though I wasn’t right at the front, I’m pretty happy with some of the photos I took. As well…

  • Iceland

    I’ve been very slowly publishing my Iceland photos. Plenty more still to come.

  • I’m A Photographer – Not A Terrorist

    At midday today, I went to Trafalgar Square along with what must have been a couple of thousand of other photographers to protest that “I’m A Photographer, Not A Terrorist!” This is an event that will surely have hundreds of photos coming out of it. There were no speeches per se, but lots of group…

  • I’m A Photographer – Not A Terrorist

    This weekend there’s a (hopefully) big demonstration of photographers protesting against the vast misuse of Section 44 of the Prevention of Terrorism Act (2000). This essentially allows police to stop and search anyone in a specified area. Since those areas include much of London, that effectively means anybody in the city. Fine. Nobody likes terrorism.…

  • Photographers Not Terrorists

    Last night I was out trying to take photos of the Geminid meteor shower. It was a bit cloudy as you can see from the above photo which shows precisely no meteors. But as I set out on foot to a nearby field a bit away from the city lights, wrapped up warm with a…

  • Phew. I Was Worried There For A Bit


  • A Tale of Two Gadgets

    In the last 48 hours we’ve learnt about the forthcoming release of two exceptional devices. Sony has finally decided to release a new version of the Playstation 3 – their gaming device who’s sales have been, let’s be honest, lacklustre. Key to it’s future success is its price. In the US it’s priced at $299,…

  • Good Customer Service

    Back in the late nineties I had an Olympus 35mm point and shoot camera which I’d taken with me on holiday to Morocco. Sadly, it broke down during that trip, although I was at least able to pick up a disposable camera to meet the rest of my holiday needs. On returning to London I…

  • Lightning

    Glorious sunshine at lunchtime. Electrical storms by 7pm.

  • Massive £985,000 Sale!

    A local bed comapny has a massive sale on. But they seem to have run the numbers, and although it might have been nice to have had a £1 million sale, it seems they ended up just a little short. So it’s only a £985,000 sale! (Oh, and they’ve decided that since they’re giving away…

  • CCTV Is Everywhere

    Last night BBC Two aired the first in a three part series – Who’s Watching You. It examines the surveillance state that we’ve been walking headlong into over the last few years. Despite a very annoying production technique of sending everything in and out of focus like a small child was operating the camera, it…