Category: Photography

  • Exhibitions

    Here’s a picture that doesn’t feature the portrait of anybody at all, but that I took outside the National Portrait Gallery. Over the weekend I went to two utterly unrelated exhibitions that have recently opened in London. The National Portrait Gallery has the Taylor Wessing PhotographicPortrait Prize – an exhibition of around sixty photos from…

  • Pictures From The Last Week Or Two

    The Cowboy Junkies were great at Union Chapel on Tuesday. More photos here. More photos from Sheringham here. This actually forms a cutdown collection from the 1200 photos I actually took that night. But you can see a select 19 here.

  • Olympus Trip Photos

    I really like my Olympus Trip. How else would I get photos like these? Fujicolor Pro 160S.

  • Tour of Britain – London Stage

    Bradley Wiggins looks impressed with something. On Sunday I was out to watch the Tour of Britain come through London. I say “come through”. I really mean “do laps of Docklands.” Usually the Tour ends with a scenic multi-lap sprint around the centre of the city, but with the Pope in town this year conducting…

  • Pictures From The Weekend

    There was a rather lovely sunset over London on Saturday. On Sunday it was to the Thames Festival where I first saw the amazingly talented CW Stoneking. Then it was on to the carnival parade and the fireworks. The full set are here:

  • Photos


  • Exposed and Sally Mann

    A not altogether succesful photo trying to shoe-horn in a CCTV camera with Tate Modern. There are a couple of very good photographic exhibitions on in London at the moment that I’ve been to in the last couple of weeks, but both include some quite “difficult” material. Exposed at Tate Modern, is subtitled voyeurism, surveillance…

  • Have You Picked Up Your Copy of Amateur Photographer?

    This week’s Amateur Photographer magazine is well worth picking up. It comes with a free lens cloth, on which is printed a very polite note to any police officers of PCSOs who may stop you for – er – taking photos. As you may or may not be aware, more and more photographers, both amateur…

  • Landscape Photography

    I spent today at Capel Manor on a Landscape Photography course, organised by Going Digital. Despite the fact that the course mostly took place in the middle of the day – just about the worst time to take landscape photos – I’m pretty pleased with my day’s pictures. Next I need to get myself some…

  • Tour Series – Canary Wharf

    I was out at Canary Wharf watching the cycling last night. It was round one of the Halfords Tour Series. Lots more pictures on Flickr.

  • Broadstairs, Forty Hall and Cross-Processed Diana Shots


  • Photos with an Olympus Trip

    I really don’t use the rather lovely Olympus Trip I bought a few years ago on eBay nearly as much as I should. Here are a few shots I took over a rather dramatic weekend. The full set is here.

  • River Sounding

    I visited River Sounding over the weekend – the audio/video exhibition by Bill Fontana at Somerset House. He’s recorded audio and shot video along the full length of the Thames and then used it in an installation placed in the Lightwells and Dead House beneath Somerset House’s courtyard. There are lots of little rooms and…