Category: News

  • Live 8 Press Conference

    The BBC are about to start streaming the Bob Geldof “Live 8” press conference. At the side of their player is the following disclaimer: This news briefing may contain some strong language which viewers and listeners find offensive.

  • Reporting The Ricin Case

    Last week Kamel Bourgass was jailed for 17 years for plotting to spread ricin on the streets of London. He’d been earlier convicted of the murder of a policeman, Detective Constable Stephen Oake, during a raid to a arrest him back in 2003. The trial had taken place in camera, and so it was only…

  • Smokewatch

    Sky News actually have an inset live video feed of the chimney at the Vatican out of which white or black smoke will appear, depending on whether or not a new Pope’s been chosen. Are they going to keep this up for possibly as long as the next few weeks?

  • The Pope

    The Pope’s finally died and the rather macabre and more than faintly disturbing sight of the world’s media camping out waiting for an old man die is over. We’ve now moved on to the rememberance of his life and some of the great things he’s achieved. Make no mistake, some of them were very great…

  • 200 Al Qaeda Terrorists on the Streets

    So former Metropolitan Police Commissioner Sir John Stevens says that there are 200 terrorists on the streets. Who’s he trying to kid? Is he about to get into politics? Does he really know what’s going on in this country? With that many terrorists on the loose, it’s a wonder that I manage to get to…

  • National Holiday Petition

    Well the campaign for a national holiday is going great guns at the minute. At time of writing, a massive 34 people have decided to support my ongoing campaign to gain us a public holiday on the occassion of HRH Prince of Wales’ wedding. Some naysayers have pooh-poohed the idea, pointing out that we never…

  • Charles and Camilla are Getting Married!

    So Charles and Camilla are to marry. But isn’t interactive television a wonderful thing? At only 25p or so a go, you get to have your say! But as I type, the viewers of Sky News have voted 62% against approving of the marriage. Now I’m no constitutional expert (particularly as our constitution is actually…

  • Sway Over Newspapers

    Today, I got seperate emails asking me to join reader panels for The Evening Standard, The Times and The Sun. Apart from the fact that I’ve obviously been too free and easy with my email address, what does this all mean? Well News International obviously embarked on some reader research today. I think it really…

  • Kilroy-Silk

    While it will be hard ever to extinguish from my mind, the bit from Jam featuring the day Robert Kilroy-Silk “went mad”, running naked around a shopping centre. But in the meantime, he’s just formed a new political party – Veritas. Of course he’s just left the UK Independence Party who were pretty anti-Europe –…

  • Tsunami TV News Coverage

    There are a couple of articles (which I only noticed via Stuart Hughes website) on Media Guardian attacking and defending the BBC’s coverage of the Asian Tsunami. Here’s the attacking piece by The Guardian’s Matt Wells, and here’s the rebuttal by the BBC’s Head of News Roger Mosey (both articles require free registration to read).…

  • Boris on ID Cards

    There may be a specil Boris Tribute issue of Private Eye this week, but he can speak some sense. (The Spectator article referred to by Boris is, for the time being, here – free registration required) [Why isn’t the image here showing up in Internet Explorer? It seems to be working OK in Firefox and…

  • Threat Level: Made Up

    Channel Four news publish “Snowmail” – a daily update of what’s going to be in tonight’s show programme. Here’s an excerpt from today’s: Canary Wharf: Threat, what threat? Met an excellent group of brokers/dealers/traders in the city at lunchtime. Fell to discussing the ‘threat’ to Canary Wharf. No further evidence that there is even a…

  • Hunting

    Finally we’re near banning one of the most barbaric legalised activities in Britain – hunting with dogs – and in particular fox hunting. I’m fed up with all the feeble complaints about how this form of animal-torture is part of country lifestyles. Slavery used to be part of our “lifestyles”. Only relatively recently have women…