Category: Misc

  • Keep Calm

    Inspired by the ridiculously popular WWII poster, and The IT Crowd. Personally I think another poster in the series – Freedom Is In Peril – is equally as relevant.

  • Likes and Dislikes

    Things that have annoyed me in recent days: Channel 4 not including a “series link” in their Freeview EPG for Red Riding. It meant I had to look “elsewhere” to find episode 2. Sci Fi Channel in the US renaming themselves SyFy (this is not a joke). My computer at work. Apple releasing an iPod…

  • Snow Stops Everything

    Today saw an entirely expected and predicted fall of snow, and just what chaos it caused. Many tube lines were shut down. Seemingly, most of the rail lines going south from London were shut down. And most appallingly, the entire bus network was shut down. There wasn’t a red bus in London to be caught…

  • Kristen Schaal and Kurt Braunohler

    You do watch Flight of the Conchords don’t you? What do you mean, you’ve been meaning to? Stop wasting your time on the internet and either go and look it up on YouTube, or better still go and get the DVDs of the first series right now (and the Radio 2 series, and the album).…

  • Things That Currently Annoy Me

    Sky emails me to tell me about the “Exciting New Improvements” they’ve made to the Sky Player (aka Sky Anytime – but since the success of the iPlayer, everything has to be similarly named). I can now watch if I have a Mac (or “MAC” in Sky-speak – isn’t that something to do with WiFi?),…

  • Yawn

    Lots of areas of the media are getting excited about the annual Golden Globes handed out by an organisation called the “Hollywood Foreign Press Association”. I’ve written about this self-appointed, self-elected organisation before – and the fact that it has very little if anything to do with, well, the foreign press. Now everyone loves a…

  • Celebrities Inappropriate Advertising

    Last Friday was the last in Clive James’ current run of A Point of View (Harold Evans takes over this Friday). You have about 24 hours to download the podcast, otherwise you’ll just have to read his words. James got on to the habit of Hollywood actors promoting products that once they’d never have been…

  • Film Releases In January

    It’s now January, and that means that the films you can see in the cinema are suddenly good. On the other hand, the releases will come and go so fast, that you probably won’t be able to see all them. I both understand and really don’t understand why the cinema industry treats films in this…

  • Three Fun Articles To Read

    Well one article and two blog posts really. First off, Alan Rusbridger, editor of The Guardian, writes at length about how the media is effectively now unable to examine things like whether corporations are avoiding tax legally. We know that the UK’s libel laws are absurd and encourage libel tourism (everything is effectively “published” in…

  • Voting Fun

    If Strictly adopted the US voting system as I’d advocated, then it’s incredibly unlikely this weekend’s incident would have occurred. This isn’t, of course, important. Votes placed will still go to viewers’ favourite dancers. So everyone who’s saved the BBC or Ofcom’s phone numbers on speed dial to complain at the drop of a hat…

  • Safety First Investment

    I love it when tube stations are being refurbished and old posters are uncovered before the new LCD panels go up in their place. Yesterday evening I saw this wonderful Abbey National poster from goodness knows when (it looks quite old to me even if the colours are quite vivid). I suspect that Abbey wouldn’t…

  • Morals

    Yesterday I was about to go into a newsagent, when a couple of kids stopped me just outside. If they gave me the money, would I go in and buy them a packet of cigarettes? “Sorry, no,” I replied. It’s a moral thing – I’m not buying their cigarettes for them. They’re under-age, and I’m…

  • Statuephilia at The British Museum

    Third time lucky – today I finally made it into the Hadrian exhibition. When I’d previously popped in to try to see it, I’d gone on Saturday afternoons when all the tickets for the day had already been sold. I tried to book online for today, but no luck, so I pitched up early to…