Category: Misc

  • Alice

    As everyone looks forward to the new Tim Burton take on Alice in Wonderland, and I wonder whether I can be bothered to see it in 3D, the BFI has put its newly restored version of the first ever version of Alice on YouTube. Running at just under ten minutes, it’s a remarkable document dating…

  • Cashing Gold

    How badly do minor celebrities need the cash? Quite badly if the Dale Winton Cash My Gold ad is to be believed. It’s mercilessly ripped apart in Saturday’s Guardian Guide. Ironically, when I viewed this piece online, the Google ads below served three gold-cashing services up including Cash My Gold itself. £150 for a laptop…

  • Social Media and 6 Music

    What’s been most interesting so far, following the news that the BBC might be shutting down, has been the reaction in the “Twittersphere” and online in general. There were lots of callers on Victoria Derbyshire’s programme this morning, with Martin Kelner and John Myers also making appearances (there’s feedback throughout, but Kelner and Myers are…

  • Mouse Path

    My mouse trail from a morning at work. Generated using the fun Mouse Path software as linked to by the NY Times blog.

  • The UK Radio Aid Question

    The earthquake that the people of Haiti experienced nearly a week ago now was horrific, and it’s wonderful that at time of writing the appeal launched by the Disasters Emergency Committee has reached over £23 million. Following the Asian tsunami on Boxing Day 2004, UK Radio Aid was a telethon of sorts that took place…

  • Snow Law

    If you’re like me, when someone tells you something that sounds like an urban myth, you’re desperate to do your bit to put the other person right. So you do a quick Google search and end up somewhere where the question has been previously asked. Of course it’s an urban myth. Don’t be so stupid.…

  • Happy New Year Boo

    I tend to loathe New Year. Forced jolity really isn’t my thing. Nonetheless – if only to force myself to use the nice H2 Zoom audiorecorder I bought a while back – here’s a Boo I made earlier: Listen!

  • Hunting In Packs

    In today’s Standard (I managed to get a copy at Kings Cross – they’re never available much beyond 5.30pm at Oxford Circus or Piccadilly Circus), David Sexton pontificates over two pages about why “bloggers” are so hostile towards Ian McEwan. This is the piece that Sexton is talking about. Following a series of Guardian Book…

  • Cinema Piracy with Laptops

    Have you got a laptop? Or perhaps a netbook? Does it have a webcam? Seemingly it’s Cineworld policy not to allow customers to bring laptops into their cinemas. This is to curtail piracy. This follows a story from a couple of months ago about someone turned away from a Cineworld. You see that 1.3 megapixel…

  • You See – This Is Why I Hate The Word “Content”

    What is this supposed to mean? Everything’s “Content“…

  • Steampunk

    The Oxford Museum of Science is currently home to a great little exhibition on the subject of Steampunk – seemingly the first collection of such artworks ever collected like this in the world. I’ve always found steampunk to be an interesting area with the wonderfully creative machines that they built. I suppose my introduction would…

  • Content

    Warning. You are about to read a bit of a rant: if you haven’t already stopped reading already that is. It’s been a long time in coming, but I feel I have to say something about it. I loathe content. The word “content” that is. I really, really loathe it. It’s a hideous and yet…

  • Homemade Bar Tap Cover

    What do you do if the supplier to your bar changes lager supplier, but neglects to give you those bar-tap covers to advertise your new brand? Use your initiative…