Category: Misc

  • Space, The World, Fashion and Portraits

    I spent Saturday catching up on a number of exhibitions that I’ve been meaning to see, but which for various reasons, I’d not gotten around to. And there’s the small matter that some of them are closing quite soon. Sebastião Salgado’s Genesis is the result of a massive multi-year undertaking of the Brazilian photographer most…

  • The Drowned Man

    In recent years there has been something of an explosion in immersive experiences. Although these events always sound to me like something I’d probably like, I’ve been quite slow in actually getting involved. Up until now, the closest I’ve got is probably Secret Cinema. I went to one of their earlier productions – Funny Face…

  • Alpe d’Huez

    In anticipation of today’s double ascent of Alpe D’Huez, I made this T-shirt last night. I did make a Ventoux one prior to the weekend too – no photos yet though.

  • A Day at Somerset House

    Somerset House always has a lot going on, and I managed to tie in three things I wanted to see at the same time this week. Pick Me Up is their annual graphic arts fair which I’ve been going to for a few years now. Each year the curators choose artists for their Selects series…

  • Mars Rover

    Going through a stack of old papers, I found the above. It’s quite exciting suddenly remembering that you had your name inscribed on a chip that was built into the Mars Curiosity Rover, along with 1.2m other people, and that the Rover now sits on Mars, as indeed it has done since August 6 last…

  • Light Show

    If you’re in London any time before 28 April, then you really should try to get along to Light Show at the Hayward Gallery. As the name implies, it’s all about light – lots of installations and exhibits based around light. Some are simple – trivial even – but many are remarkable. A certain part…

  • Retail

    And so it has come to pass that HMV is in administration. When an unplanned “Blue Cross” sale popped up before the weekend, the writing was on the wall. At time of writing, we can perhaps remain hopeful of some kind of partially successful outcome of the administrators seeking a semblence of a successful business.…

  • Random Notes

    A few entirely unrelated things worth noting: 1. Nexus 7 Tablet Google’s announced its new tablet, and I’ll let others tell you how good or otherwise it is. What I find quite staggering is Google’s UK pricing. In the US, the 8GB entry level model is $199. When you hear numbers like that normally, you…

  • 10th Anniversary

    Ten years ago today the a new site took the internet by storm. was launched. OK. Maybe the internet wasn’t taken by storm. This was 2002, and while Google was already in existence, there certainly wasn’t a YouTube or Facebook. Arsenal had won the Premier League – at Old Trafford no less. The World…

  • Screen Printing

    I spent today at Print Club London on their beginners’ screen printing workshops. Eight or so of us learnt some of the basics of screen printing. You can see my results above and below from some artwork I brought with me. It was really interesting learning about the different techniques that you can apply even…

  • How Should I See Prometheus?

    I’m an enormous fan of Sir Ridley Scott, and can claim to have seen pretty much everything he’s directed. Yes, even the horror that was A Good Year. So with Prometheus imminent, with personal anticipation levels matched only by Dark Knight Rises, and perhaps Skyfall, I decided tonight that I really ought to sort out…

  • Damien Hirst

    A friend organised a trip to Tate Modern to see the new Damien Hirst exhibition. To be honest, I’m not really a fan of his. Partly it’s the distaste I have for the overtly commercial imperatives placed on his work, either by him or others, and partly it’s the nature of it. You hear stories…

  • Curious Pricing

    We all know that if we buy bigger packs of products, we tend to save money. But in the strange world of confectionary, that’s not always the case. I was in Waitrose earlier, and it being February, there are clearly lots of Cadbury Creme eggs about. But the pricing was slightly odd. I could buy…