Category: Misc

  • My Bad What?

    OK – I don’t want to sound like an old fogey, but what the hell is it with the phrase “My Bad”? I can honestly say that I’ve not heard it spoken anywhere, just read it. Usually when people are apologising for getting something wrong or not explaining something properly. It makes no sense! Stop…

  • Cards As Weapons

    Also via Boingboing comes this link to a site that has an excerpt from Ricky Jay’s infamously out of print book, Cards As Weapons (as featured in an episode of Jonathan Creek – something which probably keeps it rare).

  • HHG2G

    Well today the BBC announced that the new Radio 4 series of Hitchhikers is coming to a radio near you from Tuesday 21 September at 6.30pm – a very specific time for something just a little way away. Still the site has both a video and audio preview! Meanwhile, there’s a competition to win a…

  • Trivial Things That Annoy Me #1

    Carefully sidestepping any mention of last night’s football, I just wanted to sound off on something that is so trivial and so insignificant, that it shouldn’t matter to anyone. I’m talking about people who leave the stickers on their digital cameras and camcorders. Why? These are those little stickers that shout about the number of…

  • Cinema Chattering

    A story that I can empathise with enormously in today’s Guardian. I hate all the chatting that people think they can get away with in the cinema – and also put it down to the advent of videos and watching films in home. Simon Busch, the author of the story, says that the protagonist in…

  • Cycle Guides

    Must get my copies.

  • Sky Captain

    Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow sounds fascinating….

  • Sick of Tesco

    I fear that I really may have to start boycotting Tesco if the scheme mentioned here comes to pass. As Jon Snow notes in his ever interesting Snowmail, how much more money do they need to save when they’re recording 1.7bn profits? The idea that people who are ill should only start getting paid after…

  • Library of Alexandria

    Maybe it’s because I always enjoyed the Name of the Rose, but finding the Library of Alexandria really excites me. I don’t seem to be able to find much more about it on the net however. Google News reveals a couple of other stories, but nothing more concrete.

  • The Shape of Things

    I saw the new West End theatre version of The Shape of Things last night by Neil LaBute. It’s based on his film of the same name, which I must admit I missed. I did see the other two in his “battle of the sexes” trilogy, In The Company of Men and Your Friends and…

  • Wayne Rooney

    If you’re playing Everton and hear everyone singing “Who ate all the pies”, then you know Wayne Rooney’s on the pitch. The talented young striker is doesn’t have the most, um, svelte of bodies (not that I should cast any judgement in this matter), but it’s somewhat ironic that the two products I’ve so far…

  • Incredible Story

    Read this and then this, for a truly horrific story of agents, wrestlers and fraudsters.

  • Aardvarks

    I do get more than my fare share of strange mobile phone calls. It’s not because I’m being targeted by a stalker (at least I don’t think I am). It’s because my name begins with “A”, and so who do you think is top in mobile phonebooks? It just takes a loose mobile in a…