Category: Misc

  • Over Ordering Hotels

    It seems to me that the hotel trade is awfully careless – they keep over-ordering their linen and duvet supplies. Twice in the past month, an email has gone around our building at work offering cheap duvets, pillows and sheets. The reason given is always over-ordering, but given the frequency of it, anyone would think…

  • Brighton

    Well, it may have taken me until the following Friday to note it, but I spent the whole of last weekend in Brighton enjoying the sun, making a video, and checking out venues for our company weekend away. Anyway, the video’s here for a limited-ish time (terrible quality – will try and get a better…

  • Edward Hopper

    The exhibition has only been open for months, yet it’s only tonight that I finally made it to the Hopper exhibition at Tate Modern, and it closes on Sunday Outside Blackfriars station I overtook someone who looked suspiciously like TV’s Kate Humble (Gia’s bête noir) as I headed towards the Millennium Bridge. Of course I…

  • You Thought You Were Having A Bad Day

    I think it was watching Caught on a Train which made me realise that I should relate the following which happened earlier this week. I’d been working reasonably late, and admit that I popped into the pub for a couple of drinks after work. This is the new look Midas Touch which has been refashioned…

  • Gmail

    Any regular readers want a Gmail invite? I have more than one available – just drop a comment below and I’ll see what I can do!

  • Shop Windows in Carnaby Street

    If you’ve not been to London in a long while (or at all), you might not know that Carnaby Street has changed beyond all recongnition in recent years. Gone are all the sleazy shops selling cheap and cheerful stuff, and in their place are brace of shops that wouldn’t look out of place on Neal…

  • Various links

    I see Carl Hiaasen has a new book out… Alex Cox may have stopped his diary, but he wrote a piece in The Guardian about the depths of US cinema… The Avengers is getting another release on DVD in the UK (well I care!)… SUVs are trucks and are banned from many streets in California!

  • Carnaby Street New “Concept”

    There’s a new shop on Carnaby Street that’s staffing up at the moment that is calling itself “a new concept in mens’ retailing”. I think they mean that they’re “a new menswear shop”. Unless, that is, that they’re moving away from the traditional “pay the price on the price-tag” model that shops have traditionally adopted.…

  • Preparing For Emergencies

    The government’s much vaunted document is now available to download from the tamely named “Preparing For Emergencies” website. Helpfully it’s available as a PDF which won’t easily print on A4. Still, the best part is the BBC’s chosen graphic to indicate how we ought to put aside tinned food.

  • Various links

    O’Reilly madness (Via Gia) Very clever (Via Onlineblog) I made one of these the other day, and it only cost me 30p in parts! The American one featured cost $1.50, so the UK isn’t always more expensive!

  • Transport and Greenhouse Gas Emissions

    The other week I happened to notice in a moment of idle curiosity that the National Statistics service has an RSS feed. So I chucked it in my reader and every so often actually look at what it’s outputting. Then you see something like this! This is a fragile planet, and we only have the…

  • Rambling

    Not the hiking based hobby, but my last few entries. To make amends, here are some “news in brief” items: Rupert Murdoch featuring in Doonsbury this week (may need free registration to see). Salon interview with Alan Moore (daypass required to read). The shock news that the TV digital switchover has already been put back…

  • Odds and Ends

    I’m just spending my lunchtime flicking through FT Creative Business (you need a subscription to read it!), and there are a few thoughtful articles. * An interview with Radio 3 controller Roger Wright. Sadly this is a bit on the defensive since the usual mentions of not enough classical music on the station and too…