Category: Misc

  • The Da Vinci Chronograph

    While the Dan Brown phenomenom roles relentlessly on, I was amused to see an advert for the Da Vinci Chronograph. A bargain at just £145, made by an ancient German company or something. Anyway, I’m not exactly a horologist or anything, but it strikes me that Da Vinci owned no such watch. He died in…

  • Comments

    Comments are a bit up the creek at the minute, and I have to moderate them for a bit until I can get this Typekey thing working. But I was getting several hundred comment spams a day, even with the latest version of MT Blacklist. Normal service will be resumed when I can get to…

  • Updated Site

    Well behind the scenes I’ve updated this site to Movabletype 3.12. I think I’ve got everything broadly speaking working, but if there’s something I haven’t spotted, feel free to let me know!

  • Code Busting

    Do you get the idea that far too many people are taking the Da Vinci Code far too seriously?

  • DVD

    So my cheapo Currys DVD player seems to have died on me. Or rather it’s dead when it’s in the setup with my TV; every time I move it out to have a look at it, it works faultlessly. Now obviously, if I hadn’t spent as little as £29.99 then this might not have happened.…

  • MPH ’04

    Exhibitions and trade fairs inspire mixed feelings in me. On the one hand, there’s the excitement of vast halls of interesting stands and exhibits to see and visit. On the other, there’s the dawning realisation that unless you’ve got a pocket full of cash there’s not really all that much to see. Possibly one of…

  • Temple Bar

    Today, Sir Christopher Wren’s Temple Bar is being reopened in the City of London, 125 years after it was moved out of the city into the grounds of Theobalds Park. This has got to be a good thing, although one suspect’s that it’s probably faired better in its wooded home for the last century or…

  • Office Equipment That’s Rubbish #1

    Binding Machines. Despite much looking around, at work we still use wire binding machines. Surely this must be basically the same technology that they had at the beginning of the last century? Oh, sure they’ve come on a bit with the introduction of plastic combs rather than only wire ones, and electric hole punchers. But…

  • Burnout 3

    Burnout 3 is consuming way too much of my time at the moment.

  • Christopher Reeve

    Very sad news about Christopher Reeve today. Only last week, I dug out my old Superman bubble gum cards from the first film. That series was nearly as popular as Star Wars with my brother and I when we were younger. And I still struggle to recall what the fatal flaw with the plan that…

  • Product Recalls

    This months issue of Personal Computer World magazine has a copy of Windows XP SP2 attached to it – not unlike most of the other magazines this month. But more interesting to me is the inclusion of a four page advertisement that lets users know what the service pack includes. I say “advertisement”, but in…

  • Cinema Sousterrain

    I know that everyone and their mum had blogged this, but I love this pair of stories about the mysterious underground cinema recently found in Paris. What a shame that London doesn’t have the same kind of catacombs and tunnels. If anyone fancies starting a similar cinema in London, preferably not directly in a sewer,…

  • Comment Spam

    I’ve got a bit of a problem with comment spam at the moment. MT Blacklist works fine, but the problem is that when I get a comment, an email is fired off to me with the details of the comment, along with an automatic link to excise anything I don’t want. That means that on…