Category: Misc

  • When Marketing Goes Off The Rails

    Pretty terrible.

  • Questions

    1. What happened to the Wynton Marsalis concert that was going to be on Radio 3 today? It’s in the BBC Press Information pack and was highlighted in at least one TV & Radio guide in yesterday’s papers. But there’s nothing to let you know why it’s been cancelled or rescheduled on the BBC website.…

  • Casio Shops

    Why is it that while other shops are happy to change their window displays every so often, when there’s a new season or whatever, the Casio shop in Carnaby Street in London seems to completely renovate their premises. The shop’s been closed down for the last three or four weeks – for good I thought.…

  • Random Theory of the Day

    While I was shopping in Waitrose (look it’s the closest supermarket to me OK?), I was chatting to the woman on the checkout who noticed I’d been in a clothes shop. She went on to share with me her theory that men’s clothes are more expensive than women’s clothes because women buy far more than…

  • Random Notes

    After reading Ben Goldacre’s scathing attack on poor media coverage of science the other week, and then his new Saturday column in the main paper. It was slightly disappointing to read this in The Observer today. It’s presented as slightly humourous in that it costs an absurd amount of money. But only in the last…

  • Drunk Purchases

    It’s often occurred to me that shopping channels probably do a fair bit of their business after the pubs close and people stagger back home flick on the telly and suddenly realise that they really do need a Lean Green Grilling Machine or whatever. I once saw one of the guys from Bid(Up) TV actually…

  • PSP Movies

    Sony finally launches the PSP in the UK this week, and that’s good news for me, because it finally means that I might be able to get a cheap memory stick for my US import. But there are plenty of stories floating around about the so called success of UMD format films. They’re selling plenty…

  • Celebrity Spot of the Day

    Former MI5 officer, David Shayler, in Old Street tube station. I assume that this isn’t top secret, and no lives are at risk by revealing this information…

  • Who’s The Daddy

    Who’s the Daddy is a new play by Toby Young and Lloyd Evans, The Spectator’s theatre critics, that presents an ever-so-slightly fictionlised version of the goings on at The Spectator last summer. So we have Boris Johnson and Petronella Wyatt, Rod Liddle and “Tiffany”, and most famously Kimberly Quinn and David Blunkett. Add into the…

  • Cycle To Work

    I’d love to cycle to work, but given that it’s a long way, and we have neither a shower, nor the facility to store bikes, it’s a bit of a problem. But quite a few people have gone out and bought bikes recently due to fears of bombers on the tube. Obviously, this is completely…

  • Chinese Characters

    One of those things that really irks me is (and I have to be really careful here because I know I’m going to offend someone) people who get Chinese or Japanese lettering as tattoos on their bodies. Unless you actually speak, and can write, the language yourself, you’ve no idea what you’ve got permamently written…

  • Slim Pret

    Wow – here’s a “solution” to a problem I never knew existed. It seems that Pret A Manger have been look to produce a smaller sandwich. It seems that two slices of bread and a filling is just too much! So they’re now producing sandwiches which are made from just the one piece of bread.…

  • Robbie At Madam Tussauds

    Madam Tussauds, the worlds famous, and bizzarely popular waxworks museum, is advertising quite heavily on the tube at the moment using this picture of Robbie Williams to entice us in. I may be a little bit slow today, but can someone explain to me why I’d want to visit the place if the likenesses are…