Category: Misc

  • Order Online, Buy In-Store

    The other week, HMV Group’s chief executive is leaving the company after a disappointing Christmas, citing the growth of the internet etc. as reasons for HMV’s poor Christmas period. There is no way that an outlet like HMV can really compete with the interenet when they have all those leases to pay for in areas…

  • Davos/Davros

    Am I only the person who sometimes confuses Davos with Davros? Do they, in fact, stand for similar ideals?

  • Whale Watching in London

    Well Sky News broke the story when they went live to their Skycopter (i.e. a helicopter) sometime around midday today. A whale was in the River Thames in central London. After some initial confusion about the species, it was eventually confirmed to be a northern bottle nosed whale. So come lunchtime, I just had to…

  • Sandhurst

    Lots of stories today talking about the increased security at Sandhurst as a result of Prince William starting his training there. Let’s see – it’s an army base, full of guns and live ammunition, at a training facility for the future leaders of our armed forces. One might just hope that there’s already quite tight…

  • Travel

    I’ll try not to sound smug here, because I know it can happen to any of us, but why do so many people leave it until this morning, the first day fully back at work after the break, to buy their train tickets? This morning at my local station, where there’s one assistant and one…

  • Explosives

    I think I must have either have accidentally woken up in Bagdhad or WWIII has just kicked off. It’s only a couple of months since Fireworks night, so does everyone in my neighbourhood have to let off fireworks again? Bah humbug. New Year? Pah. Still, there’s the New Year’s Day Concert from Vienna to look…

  • Snow

    Well the snow did arrive. Just not enough. And I’ve got to say that I’ve been a bit diasppointed by the sales this year. I think the best bargain I’ve had was picking up number 1 of Movie Musicals to get West Side Story for £2.99. And note that it is in full anamorphic widescreen…

  • Where’s the Snow

    I feel like a kid, but I’m just sitting here waiting for the much promised snow. Where is it? (Free registration reqd)

  • Happy Christmas

    If you’re west of somewhere in mid-Atlantic, then it’s already Christmas. If you’re east of that point and somewhere north of Mexico and south of Canada, then it’s not quite yet Happy Holidays. Unless you’re Target, in which case you wished it was more Happy Christmas than Happy Holidays. To me it’s Christmas. But that’s…

  • Horses in London

    The most serene image of the day was one that faced me on Great Marlborough Street at 7.30 this morning – a line of horses trotting past. I think it must have been the Household Cavalry or something, but it’s really strange seeing so many horses in central London. Where’s a digital camera when you…

  • Shopping on Oxford Street

    One of the most stupid things you can do at this time of year is go shopping on Oxford Street. I mean, why would you decide, at this time of year, to go out into the heaving throngs to go shopping in the run-up to Christmas? Here are some random thoughts – good and bad…

  • Fact of the Day

    Which country consumes the most champagne? It’s the obvious answer – France. But which country consumes the next most champagne? You’d think that it might be America. It’s not. It’s the UK, and by quite a hefty margin. Well I was fascinated by this anyway.

  • Bingo

    So the other night, I went along to Bingo for the first time in my life. I consider myself fairly well educated with a solid grounding in the practicalities of life and how people live them. But Bingo is something I’ve never really understood. I mean, I’ve always known that there’s a caller who reads…