Category: Misc

  • Lawson Way

    Every year, the residents of Lawson Way in Sheringham, Norfolk, put ever more elaborate Christmas light displays on in their small cul-de-sac. See more pictures of their “tasteful” street here.

  • I Suppose *Someone* Has To Go Out With Them

    Wasn’t this the most disappointing news of the weekend? Yesterday evening Five Live aired Fighting Talk: Any Other Business as a kind of broadcast pilot for a current affairs spin-off of the sports show. There’s another episode next Sunday. Richard Bacon did a good job hosting it, and alongside him were Stewart Lee, Rod Liddle…

  • Messy Eating

    So, on the way home this evening, I’m sitting across the seat from a smart looking gentleman. Except he’s munching on a pastie and isn’t bothered about getting crumbs all over his black suit. When he does notice them he just brushes them off in any direction – including mine! He’s also reading a copy…

  • Trevor and Simon at the Bull & Gate

    Remember Trevor & Simon from Going Live and Live & Kicking? Well if you’d wondered what they were up to these days, I can tell you that Trevor is in a band called Sucker who were playing at the Bull and Gate in Kentish Town on Friday night before a friend’s band came on. This…

  • Warning about Hostess Bars

    Following the photo the other day, this time around Westminster council “City Guardians” were leafleting last night at the intersection of Brewer Street and Great Windmill Street in Soho yesterday evening. Nonetheless, just metres away three tourists were being tempted into such a bar by a tall brunette. Evidently there’s a concerted effort to close…

  • M&S Curiously Strong Mints Really Altoids In Disguise?

    Marks & Spencer’s Curiously Strong Mints are just Altoids aren’t they? Altoids, although made in the UK (by Wrigleys), are notoriously hard to find here, whereas M&S mints are, well, pretty easy to get. They also tend to be about 6p more expensive. They both have nice and awfully useful tins though, which makes them…

  • “Ultimate Play The Game” T-Shirts

    Inspired by Makezine, I tried out my new Speedart Fabric Screen Printing kit this weekend to make an “Ultimate Play The Game” T-shirt. I’m sure Rare will be delighted (You do remember Ultimate Play the Game don’t you? They made some groundbreaking games for the ZX Spectrum like Jetpac, Atic Atac and Sabre Wulf in…

  • Gambling

    I read this great extract from Mike Atherton’s new book, Luck Be a Lady Tonight: Gambling – A Story of Triumph and Disaster, in the paper this morning. And, yes, that is ex-England cricketing captain Mike Atherton. I may actually have to buy this book.

  • The Sea

    I’ve just spent the weekend down on the coast. Yesterday the weather was horrible (this happened just up the coast the other side of The Wash), and completely scuppered any chance of observing the Perseids last night. I took a few pictures today.

  • Noel Edmonds

    I note that the Daily Mail serialised Noel Edmonds’ new book “Positively Happy” last week, having first apologised for something they said about it. Edmonds talks about this in an interview with The Guardian today. All very lovely, but I had a bit of a flick through the book yesterday in a shop. OK –…

  • Chugging

    If you walk down a central London street like Carnaby Street, most lunchtimes you’ll come across in-street charity teams who are very keen to get you to sign up a direct debit order with whoever they’re representing that day. It’s called “chugging” – charity mugging. I’ve known for ages that these teams are not volunteer…

  • No TV Licences At Post Offices

    This news seems to have escaped me. For some reason, from the end of this month, you’ll no longer be able to buy your TV Licence from a Post Office. Instead, aside from all the various direct debit options, you’ll have to use a PayPoint location. The reasons given include that there are more PayPoint…

  • Euro Car Parks

    Every company needs a good meaningless motto. Someone at Euro Car Parks obviously liked the Microsoft “Where do you want to go today?” campaign and though they could tweak it just a little bit for a car park company. Hilarious, just hilarious.